TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
As a trainer, I specialize on diversity management, human rights education, participation and inclusion of disadvantaged youth, European citizenship and competence-based training and assessment. I also work on gender mainstreaming, prevention of risk migration, peace-building and conflict transformation.
I am doing my best to act as an inspiring educator and enabling facilitator, putting loads of love and passion in my work. :)
Bo Maria Daskalova has 21 references for past work as a trainer and added 3 tools to the SALTO Toolbox.
Freelance Trainer; Member of Trainers’ Pool of the Directorate of Youth and Sport at the Council of Europe (
I started my European youth work in 1999 as a teen volunteer and youth activist in a local Human Rights Club. While receiving my academic training in Austria, Germany and the USA, I was actively involved in youth work and completed a number of courses for youth multipliers and youth trainers at the Directorate of Youth and Sport at the Council of Europe; the United Nations Academy for Training and Research; Minority Rights Group International and the World Bank. Since 2008 I am a member of the Pool of Trainers of the Council of Europe.
I have a long experience with the EU Erasmus + Program, the ex Youth in Action and Youth Programs and the Lifelong Learning Program; Daphne and Justice Programs.
About 80 % of all trainings I delivered are within the Erasmus +; the Youth in Action and Youth Program. My first "Youth program" training was in the year 2006 and my last ones are within the "Erasmus +" program: working as a trainer and researcher in few ongoing KA1 and KA2 international projects.
I have been chairing DARE European Network - Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe between 2015 and 2017.
I have delivered more than 200 international and national training courses for young people since 2005.
Main topics of my work are:
1) Diversity Management, Human Rights and Intercultural Dialogue
2) Inclusion, disadvantaged youth (minorities, migrants, youth with disabilities, socially disadvantaged youth) and diversity trainings. Focus on multiple discrimination.
3) Prevention of risk migration, including human trafficking and refugees.
4) Gender awareness and gendered approaches in youth work. Particular focus on gender-based violence; multiple discrimination, including sexism; women and LGBTI human rights issues.
5) Using Arts for Social Change, Human Rights Education and youth work for inclusion. Particular focus on applying in youth work the methods of the Theater of the Oppressed and the Sensory Labyrinth Theater.
A more detailed overview of my work experience can be obtained from my CV.
Formal Education:
MA in Human Rights from Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen-Nurnberg
MA in Literature and Drama
MPhil in Gender Studies
Research Fellow:
- University of Washington, USA,
- Open Society Institute, Bulgaria,
- Central European University, Budapest,
- University in Saarbrucken, Germany,
- University of Vienna, Austria.
Non-formal education received:
ADVANCED COMPASS TRAINING IN HUMAN RIGHTS EDUCATION- long-term training program for trainers in human rights education, organized by DYS at CoE, December 2005 – February 2008 I have the chance to to undertake a thorough professional audit of my experience, strengths and weaknesses, in the field of non-formal education.
- As a trainee in the Long Term Training of Trainers for EuroMed Youth Projects (Council of Europe: Budapest – Athens - Amman) 2004/05 - this enabled me to start organizing and delivering youth EuroMed trainings.
- As a trainee in Minority Rights Group International courses on minority rights in 2000 in Strasbourg, 2001 in Budapest, 2002 in Warsaw and 2003 in Budapest, Long Term Training Course for Trainers on Minority Rights Advocacy 2003-2004 - I learned a lot about international human rights instruments, minority rights and gained important facilitation skills.
Applied Drama; Art for Social Change; Prevention of Youth Risk Migration
Topics adressed: Disability, Peer education, Youth Participation
Topics adressed: Social Inclusion, Disability
Topics adressed: Anti-Racism, Group Dynamics, Intercultural Learning, Peer education
Find more training tools in the SALTO Toolbox for training.
This profile was last modified on 2019-11-30