TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
I am an open-minded, sociable and energetic person who loves experiencing new cultures, meeting people, sharing ideas, knowledge and best practices. I like delivering quality trainings with non-formal methods carefully chosen for the topic and meaningful energizers:))I am an avid reader and like to be well-prepared for the topic of the training course I am invited as a trainer. That is why I have a big "home library" of useful NFE resource books and materials.
Tsvetina Zaharlieva has 9 references for past work as a trainer.
I am a free lance trainer in NFE and the executive director of one of the most active youth NGOs in Bulgaria- "Youth and Civil Initiatives in the Rose Valley"
Since 2007 I have been working in the field of non-formal education as an executive director of the "Youth and Civil Initiatives in the Rose Valley" NGO which we set up and a free lance trainer, delivering trainings on various topics.
Prior to my NFE experience I worked in the project development department of the Municipality of Karlovo, which experience gave me the useful skills of developing quality projects and maintaining good relationships with the local and national stakeholders.
My previous experience as an English teacher helps me a lot with the international training courses as I am used to working with different age groups, carefully planning my sessions according to participants'needs.
I have first-hand experience with all the fields of training expertese I have mentioned by delivering trainings on these topics or attending specialised courses- all listed in my CV attached to the profile.
In 2001 I graduated from “St. St. Cyril and Methodius” University, Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria with a Master's degree in English linguistics and a second specialty as a manager in tourism, hotels and catering field.
I have undergone various trainings all mentioned in my CV.
This profile was last modified on 2023-01-17