TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Bo Maria Daskalova
This international workshop focused on the opportunities that the youth active citizenship and voluntary work provide to prevent risk migration, protect the vulnerable young people and build a “Europe of Safe Migration”.
Fifty representatives of civil society organizations fromGreece,Portugal,Italy,Romania,UK,Sweden,Bulgariaand Macedonia, experienced in youth work, volunteering and prevention of risk migration, gathered inThessaloniki,Greecefor a eighth-days workshop to discuss their local and national situations and analyze the role of youth activism and volunteering for combating poverty and social exclusion in Europe.
Borislava Daskalova, Italy
Elfthereios Sardelis, Greece
Fernanda Torre, Portugal
Deniz Dorgouz, Turkey
The international workshop was entirely built on learning by doing and various participatory approaches, central to the non-formal learning methodology that we used while implementing the seminar. We involved actively all participants, making them design part of their-own learning process and this way – provided them with the most adequate learning tools, answering their educational needs.
While debating on easing migration services and policies, participants explored various good practices, already implemented by the partners. Specific attention was put on piloting innovative methods for fostering youth active citizenship and volunteering as tools for migrant inclusion and promoting safe migration inEurope.
In the spirit of the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion 2010 and the European Year of Volunteering 2011, participants debated the impact of youth active citizenship and volunteering on combating poverty and social exclusion.
Fostering action, debate and reflection on European citizenship was among the main outcomes of project`s debate on the opportunities for adequate measures of safe migration provision in Europe.
The problems of Active European Citizenship, overlooked from the prospective of youth activism and volunteering as tools to combat poverty and social exclusion, were seen as closely interlinking with the problems of well-being inEurope.
Our project gave an opportunity to diverse groups of European citizens to both interact and participate, debating “Europe of Safe Migrations”, highly related to the construction of a tighter-knit democraticEurope.
Full time senior trainer