TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
A training for me is an interactive educational package flexible according to situation and public with a healthy mix of theory, practice and input of all involved.
Pieter - Jan Uyttersprot has 3 references for past work as a trainer.
Free lance trainer
I have been giving trainings first on a local level in Belgium on different topics ( youth work basics, creativity, working with children and young people )
For 15 years I am active on international level also on different topics but mostly on animation as a tool for youthwork, active participation, empowerment of youngsters, Human Rights Education, Learning and all this by interactive methods and using non - formal education.
Since 2 I have been working on Human rights education, access to social rights, youth policy.
I am working with both the EU as the Council of Europe youth programs for years.
I worked for local and regional authorities, local and international organisations, NGO's.
I also give some classes linked to youth and social work in several french Univerities and vocational schools.
The reason why I started to give trainings came from experiences I had with trainers when I was a youth worker.
By good and bad experiences I realised how important it is to provide good training based on real needs and adaptable to different situations.
This is why I first worked 10 years as youth worker before giving trainings.
Because for me a good trainer has a practical and a theoretical background.
This profile was last modified on 2020-02-13