TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
Hello !
I will be very happy to further working with you. if your request match my skills.
I am fluent in EN-FR-ES & experienced in working with : NGOs, Policy-makers, & Inclusion with a focus on Integration of young refugees.
I work also work intersectionally with social support, linguistic training, vocational training, and employment. Goal : the best inclusion of youth !
I may provide the ressources you need. So, don't be shy ! Contact me ! :-)
Kind regards,
Benoit MIDA-BRIOT has 3 references for past work as a trainer.
Counsellor & Trainer
2024 : Fundraiser and trainer
Succesful fundraising part-time 3 months missions for 2 NGOs of Paris surroundings : 20 K€ for one, and 65 K€ for the other.
Trainer on 7 "Interculturality" sessions for social workers employees of the Emmaüs Solidarité netwok of Paris and its region.
2021-2023 : Head of "PIC Réfugiés - Tous mobilisés Tous employables" programme Aurore NGO. Manager of a 12 staffs team : French linguistic trainers, employment integration officers, social workers. Classes and inclusion of young refugees 18-30 years-old from French linguistic background levels from literacy to A2.
2019-2020: Project Manager for GIDEF, vocationnal training private company, in the Val-de-Marne department (south of Paris), and in charge of the implementation of specific courses funded by the regional vocational training plan. Courses were French professional linguistic classes (for <A1 and A1 French levels) aimed at empowering job-seekers (migrants, refugees, new-comers, low-qualified, non-readers and non-writers...) to integrate further-on the labour market.
2017-2018: Educational Advisor in 2 private highschools in Paris and Saint-Denis (northern surburbs next to Paris) .
2016-2017: Project Officer in charge of "Equality among our Territories" and head of the training department, for ANI NGO. Based in Paris.
Since 2008 : Education-Training-Youth free-lance counsellor and international trainer. Based in Lyon (2008-2014) and in Paris (since 2015).
* ERAMUS+Youth Expert Evaluator on KA1 & KA3 applications submitted to the French NA in 2016 and 2018
* Trainer on Erasmus+Youth for the staff of Youth Information and Neighbourhood Youth Houses of New Caledonia in Nouméa (October 2015)
* European Youth Expert Evaluator for 2013-2014 applications submitted to the EACEA
* Several contracts for providing counselling of
engineering and capacity-building projects, training courses, seminars and exchanges of professionals (preparation of applications...) for NGOs
* Several contracts for coordinating and being trainer on training activities
2003-2007: Head of the European Department of the French NGO "JEMRA" (structure of the regional network of the 50 "Missions Locales" of the French Rhône-Alpes region). Based in Lyon.
* Management of European mobility programmes for Young people with fewer opportunities aged 18-25 years old (registered in & followed-up by the "Missions Locales"): Leonardo da Vinci Programme (vocational training practices in Europe), seasonal employment (hostelery & catering in UK, Ireland & Greece)
* Coordination and animation of a European Conference "Local Authorities involved in the fight against exclusion, for equal opportunities and the inclusion of Youth", in Lyon
2002-2003: EVS (European Voluntary Service) Project manager at the European Commission DG EAC's (Education & Culture) Technical Assistance Office "Socrates-Leonardo-Youth". Based in Bruxelles.
* Responsible of the EVS team on "Development-Quality-Training"
* Participation to the assessment of applications submitted at European centralized level, preparation and follow-up of the European selection Committees. Follow-up of the financial contracts with the promoters
2000-2002: EVS Project officer at the French NA (National Agency) of the European YOUTH Programme 2000-2006 and responsible for "Social Inclusion" (settled at INJEP: French National Institute for Youth and Community Education). Based in Marly-le-Roi (south-west of Paris).
* Participation to the assessment of applications submitted at decentralized level, preparation and follow-up of the National selection Committees. Follow-up of the financial contracts with the promoters.
* Contribution to the creation and the pilot experimentation in France of "EVS Reinforced Mentorship for Young people with fewer opportunities"; device extended further-on to all the Programme countries, the following European Programme YOUTH IN ACTION 2007-2013 and nowdays into the new Erasmus+ 2021-2027 Programme ("Inclusion support measures")
* Co-author of the Training-Kit n°8 on "Social Inclusion". Publication produced in the Framework of the covenant between the European Commission and the Council of Europe on Youth.
1999: European Project Coordinator for the ALLIANCE of European Voluntary Service Organisations, based at the head of network "UNAREC International Department" in Clermont-Ferrand, France.
* Implementation of the former DG XXII "Education-Training-Youth" of the European Commission pilot programme "EVS short-term International Work Camps 1999" in the framework of the centralized strand of the European EVS Programme 1999 targeting the involvement of 150 Young people with fewer opportunities into International Work Camps of 3 weeks.
* Coordination and animation of the ALLIANCE network.
* Educational advisor for the involved members of the ALLIANCE in 8 countries.
* Strategical communication with the partners networks Service Civil International (SCI) and Youth Action for Peace (YAP).
1986-1999: Youth : Volunteer Trainer, volunteer director of holidays camps & volunteer leader of children and teenagers educational leaisure activities. Based in France and Europe.
1992: French professional diploma level of Community Education & Youth work ("BEATEP" Childhood and Youth)
1991: Bachelor level of Political Sciences and Law
1991: BAFD (French volunteer youth activities director patent)
1988: BAFA (French volunteer youth activities leader patent)
1988: French highschool diploma "Baccalauréat" (philosophy and languages)
1) Euro-Latino-American Youth activities: Volunteering, Youth Exchanges, Training and networking. 2) European vocational training (former LEONARDO DA VINCI) and lifelong learning (former GRUNDTVIG) 3) Employment programmes (European Social Fund) for NEET young people 18-25 years old.
Basic elements of Litteracy Arab (Egyptian)
This profile was last modified on 2024-09-19