TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
The best way to change the world is the way of cooperation. I believe that, we as young professionals can do it. Non-Formal education is very good option to assist youth to work on Intercultural Dialogue, Tolerance, Diversity and Mutual Understanding together.
Tigran Ohanyan has 3 references for past work as a trainer.
President of Youth Club for Intercultural Dialogue, Democracy and Peace
Internship at the Youth Department of the Council of Europe, 2017
"Goergian-Armenian Youth Cooperation in the Context of Modern Integration Processes", 2016, Trainer
"Training on Customers Rights for Youngsters in Armenia", 2015, Trainer
"Express Tolerance through Dance and Music" 2014, Coordinator
"Youth Dialogue for Understanding and Diversity" 2013, Coordinator
"Intercultural Dialogue through Cooperation, 2013, Coordinator
"For Peace and Understanding" 2012, Trainer,
International Youth Conference on Intercultural Dialogue and Youth Participation, 2012 /Intercultural Dialogue, Interreligious Dialogue, Youth Participation/ Trainer
Armenian-Georgian conference on Intercultural Dialogue, 2011, /Intercultural dialogue, Project management/ Project coordinator
“Relationship between Armenia, Georgia and Turkey” the second international youth meeting 2010/Human rights, Fundraising, Conflict management/Assistant of trainer
“Relationship between Armenia, Georgia and Turkey” the first international youth meeting, 2009 /Human rights, Fundraising, Conflict management/ Trainer.
"Men and Women make Gender and Peace together" the second international youth meeting, 2008
/Human rights, Fundraising, Conflict management/ Trainer.
Expert of Youth Projects Grants of the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs of the Republic of Armenia, 2010-Nowdays, /Foundraising, Youth Policy/
Youth Club for Intercultural Dialogue, Democracy and Peace, 2009-nowdays/President
The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Armenia, 2008-2014/Specialist in the department of international relations
Armenian State Pedagogical University - 2003-2008
University of Warsaw - 2013-2014 within the Framework of Lane Kirkland Scholarship Programme
University of Warsaw, PhD in Political Sciences- 2014-2017
Nicolaus Copernicus University, PhD in Political Sciences - 2020-2024
Interreligious dialogue
This profile was last modified on 2020-10-09