TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Bo Maria Daskalova
By delivering a research and organizing an international youth TC, our project aimed at looking at the opportunities for human rights education delivered by and to young people with specific educational needs. Introducing COMPASS as a valuable tool for HRE and translating useful fragments for hard hearing and blind youth, we brought new horizons for the HRE of those young people and invite them to reflect on ideas for further adaptation of the methods offered by COMPASS for the needs of the young people with specific educational needs.
International group: 24 participants from 5 European countries
International team of trainers: full time professional youth trainers from Bulgaria, Latvia, Greece and Serbia
The seminar offered a platform for discussion of educational needs, pedagogical methods and youth involvement. Participants looked into opportunities for networking, gathered ideas for projects on HRE and reflected on follow up educational activities for young people with special needs. We used COMPASS in English, but will also provided our translation into the Sign language for hard hearing people and the translated parts of COMPASS, into the language of the blind people: Braille.
The research was studying on the opportunities to adapt HRE methods, ways and opportunities to involve young people with specific educational needs in the design and delivery of the human rights educational process. The research used both qualitative and quantitative research methods, studying on the situation of the young people with specific educational needs in Bulgaria, focusing on the aspects of human rights educational needs and perceived perspectives and opportunities.
Full time trainer.