TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
An experienced trainer and consultant, specialized in youth work, cultural diversity, community development and social inclusion. Skilled at conducting researches and assessments, designing and delivering tranings, writing publications, developing policies, monitoring and evaluating programs. Over 10 years of involvement in civil society and international developmental programs. Founder of a youth organization and Secretary General of the Union for Youth Work in Macedonia.
Dragan Atanasov has 6 references for past work as a trainer and added 4 tools to the SALTO Toolbox.
Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation Coordinator at Peace Corps Macedonia/ Trainer and Consultant
Trainer, Facilitator, Assessor, Author:
- Designing and implementing educational programs of non-formal education activities: training courses, seminars, conferences and study visits. Trainer/facilitator of over 70 international events organized by National Agencies of the Erasmus+ Programme, SALTO Resource Centers, NGOs and other stakeholders.
- Member of the Pools of Trainers of SALTO-YOUTH SEE and SEEYN (South East European Youth Network).
- Delivering EVS Pre-departure, On-arrival, Mid-term and Final evaluation training sessions in South East Europe (since 2007)
- Member of the Pool of External Evaluators for Erasmus+ project proposals in the field of Youth of Foundation Tempus - Serbian National Agency for Erasmus+ Programme (since 2018)
- Member of the Pool of Assessors of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office for the Western Balkans - RYCO (since 2018)
- Accreditation of EVS hosting, sending and coordinating organizations from South-East Europe (2007-2014)
- Accreditation of EVS hosting, sending and coordinating organizations from Eastern Europe and Caucasus, (2011-2014)
- Conducting researches, developing programs and writing publications in the fields of youth work, volunteering and community development.
Peace Corps Macedonia:
February 2015 - current: Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation Coordinator
Responsibilities: in charge of all monitoring, evaluation and reporting functions for Programming and Training; Planning, coordinating and managing project reviews and impact evaluations of all post projects; Monitoring the progress of the project framework targets and the overall implementation of the project plans; Analyzing data and preparing Annual Reports; Providing MRE training and support to volunteers and Peace Corps staff; Co-coordinating the Peace Corps Macedonia Small Grants Program.
August 2016 - May 2017: Acting Program Manager
Responsibilities: in charge of developing and maintaining a network of contacts and partners in Macedonia; Identifying and visiting potential sites for Peace Corps volunteers and conducting community meetings to discuss Peace Corps goals and projects in Macedonia; Providing programmatic and technical support to volunteers in the Community Development project; Providing technical support, assessment and feedback on a regular basis to volunteers and local counterparts.
Union for Youth Work:
April 2018 - current: Program Officer
- Facilitation of processes leading to recognition, professionalization and standardization of youth
work in Macedonia
- Maintaining collaboration and partner relations with Macedonian governmental bodies and other
national and international stakeholders
- Preparation of national framework documents (vocational standard for youth workers, national
quality standards, youth workers portfolio)
- Preparing and implementing national and international projects in the field of recognition of youth work
- Supporting the Secretary General in the overall management of the Union and in implementing the decisions of the Executive Board
Youth Association creACTive:
- Overall management of organization's work (2007 - 2009)
- Coordination of the Cultural Center kreAKTIV (2011-2012)
- Coordination of the Digital Youth Magazine Libertas (2009-2012)
- Coordination of local, national and international projects
- Youth work with young people in organization's youth centers
- Delivering trainings of non-formal education
Masters in Political Science and Human Rights
Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research - Skopje
2018 - current
BA in Political Science
University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" - Skopje
Faculty of Law - Political Studies
2005 - 2006
University of Jonkoping Sweden
Leadership and developmental youth work, implemented by the Forum SYD Program
Ex-Yugoslavian languages
Topics adressed: Personal Development
Topics adressed: Disability
Topics adressed: Disability
Topics adressed: Disability
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This profile was last modified on 2020-04-25