Events & Activities

Find an overview of the main events and activities organised by SALTO Participation & Information Resource Centre in 2024!

Webinar “Stay Sharp During Elections – How Cognitive Biases and Media Influence Our Decisions”

Thursday 23 May 2024, Online

With Media and Communication expert Maria Murumaa-Mengel, we explore 15 propaganda techniques and cognitive biases they are built on. We can build our informational resilience by being fully aware of those vulnerabilities and training ourselves to double-check our "gut feelings" and initial reactions to information we encounter.

This live webinar took place on 23 May 2024 in the context of the European Elections as part of the ALL DIGITAL Weeks (13-31 May 2024).

Watch the recording of the webinar (YouTube)

Communication & Information Officers Staff Training – CIOST 2024

27-31 May 2024, Las Palmas de Grand Canaria, Spain

The annual staff training for Communication & Information Officers of the National Agencies supporting the EU Youth Programmes Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps was hosted by Injuve, the Spanish NA for Youth and Sport. 46 communication officers from 27 National Agencies met for a week of networking, coworking and training activities, together with some EuroPeers, and other relevant partner networks and organisations such as the European Commission, Eurodesk Brussels Link or RAY Research Network. During this edition, the focus was on outermost regions and how to reach potential beneficiaries from more remote areas.

Participation Forum 2024

27-28 November 2024, Tallinn, Estonia

More than 100 participants, representatives of National Agencies, the European Commission and other relevant pan-European organisations and partnerships are meeting in Tallinn to improve the capacity and implementation of the Participation priority of the European programmes Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps in the fields of Youth and Education & Training.

Find all our latest updates, calls, events and activities on the Participation Resource Pool!

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