TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
'Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgment’.
Non-formal education has the potential to induce real change. My method uses creativity as a tool to view and solve problems with greater openness and innovative insights.
Emanuele Nargi has 4 references for past work as a trainer and added 3 tools to the SALTO Toolbox.
EMANUELE NARGI (1977), trainer and project manager.
Member of the interdisciplinary INCA Team until November 2014. Over more than two decades, Emanuele has led teams of experts and coordinated training programmes for sharing artistic skills and ideas with participants from all over Europe. He collaborates with organisations for community development, promotion of diversity, and inclusion of principles of equality for the benefit of all.
Emanuele Nargi graduated in Physical and Word Theatre at Centro Danza M. Testa (Rome, Italy), holds a BA in Arts and Science in Performance (Universitá La Sapienza of Rome- Italy) and a MA in Performance Making (Goldsmiths, University of London, UK). He has received international training from the Italian, Polish and UK National Agencies of Youth programme, Youth in Action, and Erasmus+. He has been involved in cultural and art projects at local and international levels. He has taught courses about “body and awareness” in medical departments, associations, schools, disability centres, cooperatives, universities, cultural centres, and art centres.
His training work focuses on the inclusion of young people from socially excluded backgrounds and the ability to foster intercultural communication.
Emanuele’s experience in both formal and non-formal education is broad, his work encompassing collaborations with Universities and small local organisations. This diversity of experiences ensures the wide applicability of his approach in a variety of contexts.
Violence, drugs, Clown, Street Art, Street Events, Animation, video, music, photography
Topics adressed: Social Inclusion
Topics adressed: Evaluation
Topics adressed: Conflict Management, Organisational Management, Peer education, Evaluation
Find more training tools in the SALTO Toolbox for training.
This profile was last modified on 2023-02-13