TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
Non formal education projects always appeared to me as enclosing the different shades of a lifetime, how could I do something else then?
Daniele Nubile has 8 references for past work as a trainer.
International freelance trainer, project manager / coordinator, youth worker
Since March 2011, after my EVS experience, I've been employed with a full-time contract in CEMEA del Mezzogiorno onlus, in Rome ( until December 2013 as a tutor for EVS short and long term volunteers, Leonardo trainees and Grundtvig Senior volunteers. I've been responsible for at least 20-30 people that CEMEA hosted during those years. At the same time, I've been the responsible person for youth exchanges and training courses (on the hosting and sending side), writing the applications, supervising the projects during their implementation in Rome, preparing and supporting the youth leaders during the preparation and evaluation phases with the participants (chosen mainly from our and our local partners' youth centers). In CEMEA, we had 3 youth exchanges on the hosting side (one per year) and we participated in more that 15 youth exchanges realised in other countries. From June 2013 until December 2013, I've been also collaborating with one of the CEMEA's local partner, WALLS (, as a project manager and coordinator for a youth exchange on the hosting side, happened in August. From February till December 2014, after I moved to Germany, I started my collaboration with IBB e.V., as external freelance, for the creation of a KA2 project and to support the IBB team in the ewoca project and its events (congress and training course). During the 2014, I've been also completely responsible for a youth exchange with an other German organisation, Heim-statt Tschernobyl e.V., realised in Dortmund during August 2014. Since January 2015, I'm employed by IBB e.V. in the ewoca project, organising the Congress and the Train the Trainer, events supported by the German National Agency. Since 2009, however, I participated in several youth exchanges and training courses all over Europe. In 2013 I also represented CEMEA del Mezzogiorno in the Euromed Youth Awards in Jordan for the youth exchange "Hip Hop for Euromed" (2011, Rome), project that won one of the awards.
Since 2019, I'm working as a TEC trainer for two different German providers, EJBW and ijgd.
In 2023 I'm cooperating with SALTO European Solidarity Corps Resource Center and carrying on a research on needs of young people and organisations in the field of volunteering activities.
Below I mention some of the training courses I attended to:
- (2022-2023) YOCOMO Training of Trainers;
- (2020-2022) SALTO Training of Trainers;
- (2019) COMETS - Cooperating successfully in teams;
- (2018) YOCOMO - Pilot course for youth workers based on the ETS competence
model for youth workers to work internationally;
- (2017) COMETS - Integrating a political dimension into the trainers’ work;
- (2012) ToTrain is ToTransform the Future - Training of Trainers in Intercultural
Computer Science Bachelor Degree - The knowledge about IT reveals to be very important in the international fields in which online tools and online communications are developing and becoming more and more important.
EVS - The year I spent in a small village of the Northern Greece, with just 70 inhabitants and other 6 EVS volunteers, gave me the chance to discover myself in a rather different context than Rome, city where I grew up. This experience is one of the turning points of my professional and personal life.
Training on Human Rights and Social Theatre, Poland (2009).
This was my first training I attended to. There I realised the meaning of the word "Empowerment" and that I wanted to have an impact on people.
ToT on Intercultural learning, Belgrad (2012) - I attended to this training course as a participant, it revealed to be very important for many reasons. The topic, first of all, one of my favourite. The training course was also very important for my self-esteem and for clarifying certain personal and professional aims.
Juggling - Juggling is like Zen and Long-life learning, it is about patience and not giving up, it is about enduring, it is about sharing new tricks, getting inputs and new ideas from the others, it is about self-empowerment, but also it is about empower others.
This profile was last modified on 2024-02-28