TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
* born, grown up, educated and trained with, by and in the Flemish and European/International youth work;
* worked between 2000 and 2008 as international training coordinator and EVS coordinator in MJA and as coordinator of its European umbrella organisation
* worked between 2008 and 2016 as director of the Public Service Interpreting Ghent
* is since 2017 European Director Membership & Programs for Kiwanis International
* is free lance trainer, consultant and expert for E+
Jan Van Hove has 11 references for past work as a trainer.
trainer, consultant and expert
2001-...: free lance trainer in Non Formal Education, consultant, expert for E+
2017-...: European Director of Membership and Programs of Kiwanis International
2014-2016: Director Social Interpreting in the Ghent Agency of Migration/Integration
2008-2014: Director of the Public Service Interpreting Ghent
2005-2008: coordinator of the Healthy Network iNGO & coordinator international projects in Maatschappelijke Jongeren Actie - Social Youth Action
2000-2005: in MJA: coordinator training courses, NFE & Action5: coordinating and conducting international and national training courses for youth workers, team leaders, trainers, professional youth workers and youth-associations.
2002-2004: in Jemp (Youth&Participation): youthcouncil-training
2001-2008: in ReserveWiel (NGO for training on environmental topics): trainings on different environmental topics for other youth associations (free lance)
1998-2001: in JNM (Youth for Nature-study & Environmental Protection): trainings on different environmental topics as well as on organisational topics for youth workers
Coordinator/contact or report trainer in:
training courses on intercultural learning, basic youthwork-training courses, training courses for teamleaders, trainings for trainers, training for peer-educators, training for multiplyers, trainingcourses on project management, volunteer management, organisational management, competence management,...
* quality management in NGO's * participation in youth information work * cultural diversity policy
This profile was last modified on 2018-01-26