TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Bo Maria Daskalova
With the implementation of the ITC we aimed to contribute by developing an European Youth Work Response on the following topics: Human Rights Protection for European Young Women with Disabilities; Access to Education; Assess to Employment; Vocational Guidance and Training; Public Participation and Access to Decision-Making; Protection Against violence and Abuse; Healthcare; Access to Information and Communication. As an outcome of the meeting, participants acknowledged that the situation of the young women with disabilities in Europe requires to be addressed by both civil society and governments and that European young people play a significant role in that process. Being one of the most vulnerable and marginalized groups in today's European society, disabled girls and women receive significantly fewer services than disabled boys and men, including: rehabilitation and health care, education, technology, vocational training and employment. As examples, in many countries disabled girls are not sent to school or trained for economic self-sufficiency; as adults they often do not marry and rarely inherit or own property; consequently, they are disproportionately represented among the poorest of the poor. The situation of women with disabilities is negatively impacted by their age, their gender and their impairments: they are subject of multiple discrimination. The participants in the International Youth Meeting agreed that it is all European youth`s responsibility to develop a better understanding of young women with disabilities` lives in order to remove the obstacles that still remain in their way to equality.
Profile of Participants: European young women with disabilities aged from 18 to 30 who are actively working/volunteering in organizations on issues of disability; activists involved in work on disability issues. Young gender activists (both female and male), working or interested to work on the problems of young women with disabilities in Europe. Interested in raising awareness about gender based approach to disability problems of the young disabled women in Europe. Motivated to work on human rights protection, social inclusion and public participation of young women with disabilities. Motivated to multiply skills and knowledge obtained to develop projects on after the ITC.
Borislava Daskalova, UK
Shenol Yashar, BG
Ana Afonso, Portugal
Musa Kirkar, Italy
The working methods of the International Youth Training were youth-friendly non-formal human rights education methods, based on the Manuals for Human Rights Education for Young People: Gender Matters, COMPASS, Companion. All methods were carefully selected to address the needs of all participants with disabilities and not to exclude any participant from the group building and the learning process during the event.
Our project was discussing pan-European problems such as multiple discrimination against young women with disabilities in Europe and perspectives for their inclusion; human rights based approaches to gender and disability issues in Europe as well as we looked into opportunities for European networking for working together for human rights, equal opportunities and participation of young women with disabilities in Europe.
Full time trainer. Design of the program content, working out training modules.