TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
I am Miguel Angel; an experienced trainer, evaluator and educational consultant. I am Spanish, I live in Germany and I work all around Europe and beyond.
I work in Spanish, English, French and German as free lance trainer since 1998 for European institutions, NGO's and private companies.
"Training for Action" is my motto because I believe that Education and Training are not just for personal development; they should as well promote social changes.
I am able/good in: Listening, challeng
Miguel Angel Garcia Lopez has 5 references for past work as a trainer.
Resource person in University - Free lance trainer, consultant and evaluator
Work experience
European coordinator of a Student NGO (JECI-MIEC October 1995 - October 1.998)
• Organiser of around 18 European and International activities some of them in co-operation with the Youth Directorate of the Council of Europe. Themes of those activities: "University and Society", "Our educational work", “Education and Social Integration”, “Future Professionals”, “Option for the Poor”, “Participation as the power to change” “The role of University in a Learning Society” "Social Exclusion" "Make school yours! - How to be organised in School" "A closer Europe"...
• Representation work - relations with the European Union, Council of Europe, UNESCO and NGO's
• Running of the European Secretariat, funding strategies and financial management
• Elaboration of publications: thematical brochures and a magazine
• Participating in statutory meetings of the European Youth Forum and member of the EDUCOM (September 1.995-December 1.999)
Trainer and consultant (since 1998)
For the Youth Directorate of the Council of Europe
• Trainer in six training courses: Two times of the "Training for Trainers" courses, one time of the "Introduction to organising international Youth Activities" TC and one time of the Long Term Training Course "Beyond conflict in the Caucasus Region" “How to ensure the follow up of the campaign All different-All Equal and its outcomes?”
• Trainer in the Democratic Leadership Programme for Russia 2003, 2004 and 2005, in the Seminar “Russia-Europe 2006” and the Russia 50-50 Training Course 2007. Participant in the Consultative meeting 2007 on the cooperation with Russia.
• Trainer in the 2004 youth event on Globalisation „How big is your world”
• External consultant of seven Study Sessions with YCW, ECYF4HC, EYCE, WAGGGS Europe, EUJS, YWCA, YEN and RYE on “Exchange and Partnership as a Basis for Intercultural Awareness”, “Organising International Rural Youth Activities”, “Training Ecumenical trainers in Europe (TETE) Module C: getting active", “Welcome to Europe - Intercultural Awareness ”, “Pride and Prejudice”, “Trafficking in Young Women in Europe: areas of action”, “Gender Issues in youth work training for youth workers in gender and equality awareness” and “All different all equal?”
• Expert in five training courses and Study Sessions on "Communication", "Intercultural Learning", "Human Rights Education", "Global youth work" and “Education for a culture of Peace”
• Participant in three consultative meetings on "Intercultural Learning", "The programme of the Youth Directorate of the Council of Europe and its future" and "Implementing quality and innovation in the educational activities of the Directorate of Youth and Sport".
• Member of the Pool of Trainers of the Youth Directorate of the Council of Europe.
For the CoE – EC Partnership for Training and Youth
• Participant in one Evaluation Seminar on the Partnership
• Team member in a "Training course on Training for Trainers"
• Member of the "Curriculum and Quality Development group" (experts reflecting upon the quality criteria and curriculum development of the programme offer under the Partnership agreement between the Council of Europe and the European Commission)
• External consultant in the Training Event "Bridges for Training"
• Participant in the ”Advanced Training for Trainers Future Strategy Meeting, 15th - 17th June 2004 European Commission Brussels –Belgium-
• Team member of European Citizenship Module 2: Europe Concepts and visions 24th -30th January 2005, EYC Strasbourg –France-
• Documentalist of the European Citizenship Modules Evaluation Seminar 22nd – 26th June 2005, EYC Strasbourg -France-
• Director of the European Citizenship Module on Participation 22nd – 29th July 2006, Rome –Italy-
• Participant in the Modules Evaluation 1st-2nd November 2006 Bonn -Germany-
• Facilitator of the Research Seminar on European Citizenship 21st Nov – 3rd Dec 2006, Budapest –Hungary-
Activities in the frame of the Youth in Action Programme of the European Commission
• Expert for EUROSCOLA, YFU, MUEC, AEGEE, ECYF4HC, MIJARC, YEF Europe CEA Rural Youth and Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture, EUROACCION, IKAB-German National Agency, WOSM, Multilateral: on “The international dimension” "European patterns of students' presence and representation", “The Trainer-Trainee relationship” "Intercultural Learning" "Concept and design of training events" "Facilitation" "Youth Participation" "Marketing and Public Relations" and “Working with the Press”, “Human Rights Education”, “Developing and organising multilateral exchanges”, “European Citizenship”, “
• Trainer in the Advanced Training of Trainers course on projects in the Youth in Action Programme” January – June 2006
For the Euro-Med Youth Programme
• Trainer in “Citizenship matters: The participation of young women and minorities in Euro-Med youth projects”; A training course for youth workers and youth leaders active within Euro-Med youth projects, 19th -29th April 2004 Swedish Institute in Alexandria -Egypt-
• Trainer of TOTEM (Training of Trainers in EuroMed - Long Term Training Course) Italy, Egypt, Poland March 2005 – July 2006.
For other organisations and institutions
• Facilitator in the development of the White Paper on Youth. For the General Directorate for Education and Culture of the European Union
• Expert on “European Citizenship” for SALTO Wales (1st – 2nd March 2005)
• Trainer-Facilitator ENTIMON Project on Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination organised by the Centre Français de Berlin (2005 and 2006)
Evaluator (since 2002)
• External evaluator for the Second Pilot Training Course on "European Citizenship"
• External evaluator for the Long Term Training Course on “Development Education” organised by CIDAC, ITECO, EGOA, CIP (September 2005 – October 2007)
• Consultant - external evaluator for the Latvian National Agency on “Quality and Training Strategy” (26th – 30th July 2006)
• External evaluator of the “Civic Empowerment Programme” Youth Care International – YMCA Lebanon (July 2004 - September 2007)
Docent (since 2005)
• Docent on Intercultural Learning for the “Blockwoche” in the University of Osnabrück – Faculty of Social Sciences. (Six editions from May 2005 until June 2007)
• From September 1995 until the 30th November 1998, responsible editor for the JECI-MIEC magazine "Info Rapid", four issues a year (concept, planning, photos, writing articles, lay out...)
• Author of the Pedagogical Brochure for JECI-MIEC January 1999
• Collaboration in “Coyote” (Magazine on Training and Youth) published under the Partnership between the Council of Europe and the European Commission.
• Co-author of the T-Kit (Training Kit) on "European Citizenship" developed under Partnership Agreement between the Council of Europe and the European Commission for Training and Youth.
• Documentalist and editor of the Curriculum description of the ATTE (Advanced Training for Trainers in Europe) Course November 2001 - October 2003
• Quality controller of the Spanish version of Compass –A manual on Human Rights Education with young people- March 2004
• Contributor on “Tolerance and religions” to the T-Kit on EuroMed developed under the CoE-SALTO EuroMed Partnership
• Editor in chief of the T-Kit (Training Kit) on “Educational Evaluation” developed under the Partnership Agreement between the Council of Europe and the European Commission for Training and Youth.
• Contributor on “Evaluation” to the Dictionary on Development Education published by HEGOA Alava, Spain, May 2007
University Studies:
- Telecommunication Engineering: Speciality audio-visual Communication -Poli-technical University of Madrid -June 1994
- University Specialist on Co-operation and Sustainable Development: Institute for Migrations Studies -Pontifical University of Comillas- July 1998
- University Expert on Educational Evaluation: Educational Sciences Institute -University of Deusto- July 2000
- Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude: Educational Sciences Institute - University of Murcia ( November 2001- April 2002). In Spain this certificate is required to become Secondary School Teacher.
Languages Diploma:
- French: DELF and DALF - Alliance Française until 11-2000
- English: Preliminary Test, First Certificate and Advanced Certificate - British Council until December 1997
- German: Deutsch als Fremdsprache and Mittelstufenprüfung, Goethe Institut until June 2000
This profile was last modified on 2017-02-09