TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
Empowering learners - how do we construct temporary learning communities so they have lasting impacts?
Mark E. Taylor has 3 references for past work as a trainer.
Trainer and consultant editor
Depending on the needs of the project organisers, I may be involved in the planning of course programmes or act as co-ordinator, trainer, coach/ supervisor of teams, general rapporteur or as consultant. Member of the Youthpass Advisory Group since its inception. Ex-president of the UNIQUE network of trainers and researchers. Editor of Coyote youth work magazine:
In addition to training and consulting activities, I have long experience of writing publications for an international public. Major areas of work include: intercultural learning, international team work, human rights education, active citizenship, recognition and assessment of non-formal learning and training for trainers. Development of interactive learning platforms on the internet.
A founding member of the "Coyote" magazine editorial team and now editor.
Editor of Coyote magazine for the CoE-EU partnership in the field of youth (including "Marker": regular column in the magazine (1999 to date)
Editor of the Tools for Learning magazine, published by SALTO EuroMed (2012 to date)
"The Future is no longer what it used to be – Brexit, youth in the UK and Europe" (02017) in Schriftenreihe internationale Jugendmobilität, transfer e.V. (co-author)
Holding the Space - Facilitating reflection and inner readiness for learning, (02016), REFLECT, (co-editor), ISBN: 9789082139983
Foreword, in Farmer, C. Grumpy in Belgrade - The Prehistory (02015), Komshe
Graphic Express – first steps to graphic facilitation, SALTO EuroMed, (2014) [co-author]
Transnational Mobility Trends in Europe, Icon Institut, report for the European Commission, Cologne (2012), [co-author]
Learning to Learn, Facilitators Handbook, Learning2Learn project of UNIQUE network (02012) co-author
Youthpass for absolute beginners, Norwegian National Agency, Oslo (02011) co-author
Supporting Learning: Long-term training courses in Euro_Med, (2011) co-author
The Youthpass Guide: making the most of your learning, SALTO-YOUTH Training and Cooperation Resource Centre, Bonn (02009)co-author
The European Portfolio for Youth Workers and Youth Leaders working in the context of non-formal education/learning, Council of Europe, Strasbourg (2007)
Tips and Questions for National Campaign Committees, all different-all equal campaign, Strasbourg (2006)
“Prepoznavanje omladinskog rada i omladinskih radnika/lidera; primeri i modeli prepoznavanja” in Darko Markovic (ed) Neformalno Obrazovanje U Evropi - Korak ka prepoznavanju neformalnog obrazovanja u SCG, Hajde da, Belgrade (2005)
Madzinga! Intercultural through experiential learning – Reflected experience of a long-term training course in Belgium and Lithuania, Outward Bound Belgium, co-author, (2005).
all different all equal Education Pack, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, co-author, (1995, 2nd edition 2004). ISBN 92-871-5629-8
Evaluation - your guide to evaluating training courses in the YOUTH programme, (CD-ROM), SALTO-YOUTH UK, co-author (2004)
Discovering Diversity - Teacher's Pack, British Council and UNESCO Commission, Sweden (2003)
Building Bridges - Peace Education for Youth Hostels, International Youth Hostel Federation,(2003) - co-author
International School Network Human Rights Report, Interkulturelles Zentrum, Vienna (2002)
Jump into Education for Democratic Citizenship!, Council of Europe, Strasbourg (2002)
Critical approach to the media in civic education, Council for Cultural Cooperation, Strasbourg (2002)
SALTO EUROMED - Two Training Courses - Final Report, Salto-Youth Injep, Paris (2001)
The European Convention on Human Rights - Starting points for teachers, Public Relations Division, Council of Europe, Strasbourg (2001/2003)
[Available in 24 languages]
Intercultural Learning/L'apprentissage interculturel: T-Kit N°4, Council of Europe & European Commission, Strasbourg, (2000) co-author and editor
Kosovo International Human Rights Conference - December 1999, Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Pristina,(2000)
The human rights challenge in police practice, Human Rights Awareness Unit, Strasbourg, (1999)
My youth work involvement began at the age of 6!
Most important learning experiences of my life were mainly gained in informal education and then enriched through reflection, feedback and self-directed learning. More recently I have been gaining more facets of my learning to learn competence both in terms of process and goal. It's very important to stress that self-directed learning does not become selfish learning!
Recognition of non-formal learning; evaluation; learning to learn; searching for flow; magic sticks
This profile was last modified on 2021-05-31