TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
I was exposed to youth work as young person, before I started leading youth groups and initiating youth work programs. I had experiences in direct youth work in youth clubs, at youth camps, on youth exchanges, but also in drafting policies, advocating for youth issues, managing large-scale projects nationally and across the borders and supervising the work of other youth workers. Now, I am trainer and facilitator. I am positive and optimistic person always trying to look "at the bright side".
Ajsa Hadzibegovic has 4 references for past work as a trainer.
Development Director at Civic Alliance (full time)
* October-December 2016, UN Coordination Office Montenegro, Leader of team responsible for drafting the Guidelines for Quality Youth Club development.
* September 2016, SALTO SEE, Member of team responsible for drafting the program and running “Europe-Western Balkans Youth Meeting: Connecting Youth work and Youth Policy as follow up event in Berlin process framework
* August 2016, NGO “35mm”, Member of trainer team responsible for developing the program and realising the International Training for Youth Workers on the topics of Hate and Xenophobia in Balkans and using video making as tool in youth work (within Erasmus+ programe).
* July –August 2016, NGO Pedagogical Centre of Montenegro, Member of trainer team responsible for developing the program and realising the Youth Camp on the topic of Personal Development and Character Education for young people from North-West Montenegro.
* May 2016, Unicef Montenegro, Responsible for developing methodology and facilitating consultations of diverse stakeholders on youth services.
* April 2016, NGO “Young Roma”, Member of team responsible for drafting the program and running workshops for Roma Activists on Human Rights Advocacy
* February-May 2016, SALTO SEE, Member of team responsible for drafting the program and running regional workshops for EuroPeers
* January 2016, Sinop Hayaller Tiyatrosu Turkey, Member of team responsible for drafting the program and running international training for youth workers “Play for Improvability” (within Erasmus+ programe)
* November 2015, Salto SEE, Member of team responsible for drafting the program and facilitating ERASMUS+: YOUTH IN ACTION FORUM FOR THE WESTERN BALKANS.
* July 2015-September 2016, Directorate for Youth and Sports Montenegro, Member of the expert team responsible for supporting the working group for drafting national youth strategy and action plan.
* September-October 2015, Council of Europe, Member of team responsible for delivery of Training on School Development (strategic) planning for Inclusive Education for five primary and secondary schools from Montenegro.
* March-June 2015, NGO 35mm, Responsible for development and realisation of training program for conflict management and reconciliation and on movie making for group of multipliers of high-school age from Montenegrin and Albanian language curricula.
* March 2015, Council of Europe, Quality control of “Bookmarks - a manual for combating hate speech online through human rights education”, Montenegrin translation
* March-December 2014, National Association of Youth Workers – NAPOR, Serbia, Leading Consultant for tool development for recognition of young people competencies gained through non-formal learning/youth work programs for the purposes of youth employability.
* June-August 2014, UN coordinating office Montenegro, Trainer responsible for facilitation of three youth workshops and development of program for Youth Summer Camp "What I want for myself" in the framework of Joint UN Youth Empowerment Programme.
* April 2014, Directorate for Youth and Sports, Responsible for facilitating regional conference “Reducing Hate Speech Online”.
* March-April 2014, NGO 35mm, Responsible for development and realisation of training program for resilience building and peer educators for children in conflict with Law.
* September - December 2013, UNICEF Montenegro, Development and delivery of a training programme for capacity building in peaceful conflict resolution techniques (i.e. peer mediation) for high-school population in 10 schools.
* September 2013-2016, Straniak Academy for Democracy&HR, Annual delivery of workshops on “Children rights” and on “Combating racism, Anti-Semitism, Xenophobia, Islamophobia and Homophobia” to international group of 40 Law students.
* April 2013, European Youth Forum, Facilitation of the training “Sustainability Training of Albanian National Youth Council”
* January 2013, BalkanIdea Novi Sad, Development and delivery of a training program for youth workers and youth leaders on employability, entitled “Include me in Employment”
* October 2011, National Youth Agency of Bulgaria Trainer Development and delivery of a training program for youth workers, teachers and social workers on topic “Inclusion of marginalised groups in Youth in Action projects”
* September 2011- present, School of Democratic Leadership Montenegro, Responsible for delivering lecture and engaging participants in dialogue on dealing with the past concept and role of Montenegro in war following the breakdown of Yugoslavia
* June 2011, SALTO SEE, Coordinate the organisation of a study visit to MNE for youth workers and youth leaders from Europe
* November 2009 -November 2011, IOM, Development and delivery of six training programs for capacity building of public officials and civic activists on topics related to Youth Policies and two round tables on “Partnership building at Local level”
Experience with evaluations:
* Final Evaluation of the Regional Project: “For Active Inclusion and Rights of Roma Women in the Western Balkans”, CARE Deutchland Luxemburg e.V. u BiH, February 2015
* Author of Report on Consultations held with youth and Evaluation of the impact of National Youth Action Plan 2006-2011, published by Civic Alliance with support of UNDP and Directorate for Youth and Sport of Montenegro (March 2015)
* Civil Society Monitoring on the Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy and Decade Action Plan in Montenegro in 2012 and 2013, published by Decade of Roma Inclusion Secretariat Foundation, 2014 ISSN: 2064-8456
* Final Evaluation of the “Child Care System Reform”, Unicef, July 2014
* Final Evaluation Report for the Project “Mobilising Civil Society to Advance Inclusive Education in South East Europe”, Save the Children UK, December 2009
2002 - 2005 University of Jönköping, Sweden (course organized in Montenegro), Youth Work and Leadership course
2006 – 2008 Masters of Applied Conflict Transformation Studies, Organised by Nansen Dialogue Center, RTC and Novi Sad University
April 2010 - School of Gender Studies, Organised by Mediteran University and Department for Gender Equality of Ministry for Human and Minority Rights
• Developing and realising curriculums and educational programs, long-term trainings for trainers and trainings on different specific subjects and for different target groups (young people, students, teachers, businesses, media); • Facilitating smaller and large-scale events; • Communication with different stakeholders and effective liaison with educational and other state institutions; • Participatory planning and coordinating the work of smaller and bigger multicultural teams; • Projects & programs managing with balancing processes and tasks; • Recruit, support and supervise employees and volunteers; • Monitoring and evaluation programs and projects; • Participatory decision making and responsibility for implementation on decisions made; • Computer proficiency; • Working independently, as well as in teams.
Montenegrin, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian
This profile was last modified on 2017-02-09