TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
A passionate trainer but also a passionate learner. Freelance trainer in the field of youth. More than ten years of experience. Advocating for LLL-activities on all levels. Democracy and Participation promoter. Member of the Bulgarian NA Pool of trainers. Rich experience in: Democracy and Participation related topics, Human rights, Soft skills and organizational development, Intercultural communication, Conflicts and negotiations. In addition – a researcher, activist and progressive thinker.
Stefan Georgiev has 8 references for past work as a trainer.
Trainer in the field of youth (free lance); Researcher (part time)
I function in the field of youth since the first years of the XXI century - first as a peer educator, and then as a trainer for youth in several youth NGOs and networks.
Between 2008 and 2019 I have been part of Institute for Social Integration's team. In this association I've been responsible for designing, implementing and evaluating numerous of learning activities and projects, which were based on the main principles of non-formal learning.
SInce 2011 I work as a freelance trainer in the field of youth for different associations and even non-formal groups, locally but also internationally. My field of expertise is more or less related to: Democracy and Participation related topics, Human rights education, Soft skills and organizational development, Intercultural communication, Conflicts and negotiations, value based non-formal educational approach.
For the past years I have contributed for several projects and initiatives related to recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning.
Currently, member of the Education and Lifelong learning Forum (ELF) in Solidar Foundation (Brussels).
Regarding my formal educational background, I have graduated Sociology and have acquired MA in Political Studies from Sofia University.
Non-formal education and learning journeys for men are much more diverse. I have a post graduate qualification for Group-dynamic trainer and Assessment Center Expert and also a post graduate qualification for Political Management.
During 2016-2017 I had the opportunity to be part of Training of Trainers for European Erasmus+: Youth in Action Projects by SALTO Training and Cooperation RC.
Despite all this, I am constantly looking for new learning opportunities and challenges, locally, but also internationally.
Juggling/ ukulele/ slacklining
This profile was last modified on 2020-04-04