TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
Trainer, consultant, theatre director of physical and expressive theatre. I find creativity essential tool to change ourselves and the world around us. Through programs I create and lead I want to support the complexity of the human being, its fullness, beauty and mystery and to avoid simple answers and single faceted interpretations of any phenomena.
Marija Farmer has 3 references for past work as a trainer and added 13 tools to the SALTO Toolbox.
Free lance trainer for personal, professional and civil society development; Theatre director; Expert in creativity development;
I am freelance trainer & consultant in the area of people, organizational and social development. I have been engaged-contracted by numerous national and international organizations on short-term or long-term basis. I am also founder and owner of consulting agency Marija Farmer & The Good Cats (ex Magic Agency, 2008-current) focused of creativity development of people and organizations and delivering theatre trainings for softskills and company culture development and creative events of large scale for different occasions. I have behind me more then 7500 participants from all three sectors, public, business and nongovernmental.
Some of the international training courses (extensive list you have attached) I worked on as trainer/facilitator, within YiA programme or YiA&COE are :
World Forum for Democracy - From participation to influence: can youth revitalise democracy? - Strasbourg, event and online learning platform facilitation from July-November. The youth sector of the Council of Europe, through the European Youth Foundation. Responsible for facilitation (as part of the team) of 230 young participants.
Be The Key - Empowering European Youth Workers through Conflict Management Skills, Sajan, Serbia, CULTURE GOES EUROPE (CGE) - Soziokulturelle Initiative Erfurt e.V. Germany
CMS Include Us - Contact Making Seminar For Inclusion EVS Projects, Swiss National Agency, Biel-Bienne Switzerland.
Onarrival and Midterm trainings for EVS Volunteers – Youth in Action programme, SALTO SEE Resource Centre, South East Europe (Belgrade and Sarajevo).
Theatre of the Oppressed - Forum theatre, Image & Elements of Rainbow of Desire - Training for facilitators and trainers, Gent, Belgium.
Youth Peace Camp - Senior Trainer, The Directorate of Youth and Sport of the Council of Europe, European Youth Centre, Strasbourg.
Creativity Ventures – Training of Trainers - Advance Development Of Trainers Creative Competences, Youth in Action, Belgrade.
Long-term Training of Trainers for European YOUTH Projects - YOUTH Programme of the European Commission; Interkulturelles Zentrum (IZ), Austria and SALTO Training and Cooperation Resource Centre (RC) in the name of the network of National Agencies for the YOUTH Programme of the European Union. One year process, 3 residential seminars of 10-12 days plus project practice phase with supervision.
M.A. in PSYCHOLOGY, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade;
MAPA – Moving Academy for Performing Arts, Netherlands; Projections in Theatre; Lightening Bodies; Coaching in Theatre;
Educated in Developing Creative Potentials and Intuition Development Advanced Level; Sandra Mussey; Expressive Arts University of California, San Francisco-Belgrade
Educated in Expressive Arts Techniques – theatre, visual arts and poetry; Advanced Courses in Expressive Arts Therapy – EGS; Paolo Knill, Majken Jacoby, Melinda Meier, Stephen K. Levine– Italy, Germany.
Certificated director of Theatre of the Oppressed – Forum theatre (The Forum Theatre Week) and Rainbow of Desire - Adrian Jackson, Cardboard Citizens, London, UK.
International Certificate to competently prepare, run and evaluate training activities with an international and intercultural dimension; Council of Europe’s Directorate of Youth and Sport- European Youth Centre, Budapest, Hungary.
Participated in many national and international trainings, seminars and conferences on peace education, conflict resolution, communication skills, teamwork and leadership, intercultural learning.
applied theatre and theatre for social change; working with business sector-business consultancy; facilitating events of larger scale; opening creative potentials; expressive arts; developing intuition;
Serbian - native
Topics adressed: Anti-Racism, Intercultural Learning
Topics adressed: Anti-Racism, Intercultural Learning
Topics adressed: Anti-Racism, Intercultural Learning
Topics adressed: Anti-Racism, Intercultural Learning
Topics adressed: Intercultural Learning, Personal Development
Topics adressed: Anti-Racism
Topics adressed: Anti-Racism
Topics adressed: Anti-Racism, Conflict Management
Topics adressed: Anti-Racism, Conflict Management
Topics adressed: Anti-Racism, Conflict Management
Topics adressed: Anti-Racism, Conflict Management
Topics adressed: Anti-Racism, Conflict Management
Topics adressed: Anti-Racism, Conflict Management
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This profile was last modified on 2024-03-13