TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
I am Simona, working in the non formal education field as free lance international trainer. I am combining my different experience as clown, street performer, architect, mother, camerawoman... and enriching each time. I love to work with people.
ciao a tutti :O)
Simona Molari has 4 references for past work as a trainer.
free lance trainer, free lance clown and street actress, artistic consultant
Since 1989 involved in the international youth work. First as participant, after as youth leader, and later as free lance trainer. I work parallel as a clown and street theater performer in many different non-formal places.
I have been organizing youth exchanges and different training activities for young people, youth workers and trainers on national and international level working in very different contests. I have been involved with National Agencies for the Youth Programme, SALTO, Council of Europe, city halls and others.
I like to use different “non formal languages” like the theater, animation, clown, games…
Big fan of the Youthpass and recognition of non formal learning.
Architecture-town planning studies, with one year of Erasmus in Germany and a stage at the Danish Defence Construction Department… It was enough to understand that I am not able to build houses!
Followed a lot of different schools, courses, stage, workshops on different artistic topics: clown, comedy, theatre, physical theatre, tap-dance, trombone, buffoons, mime, masks, puppets…
Courses in Italy and abroad on youth leader, social cultural animation, group work, communication, training for trainers such as: TCIII (Training of trainers of the Council of Europe-Youth Directorate in 1998), ATTE (Advanced training for trainers in Europe 2001-2003), “Training for trainers” (APS office, psyco-sociologic Analysis Milano 2007) and others
clown, teather, language-gestures, video, ballon art, basic juggling, camerawoman
italian mother tongue
This profile was last modified on 2022-08-30