TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
From where to start... Some people describe me in various ways, but they all mention that I am a Youth worker. Working with young people and youth workers in projects and trainings is what I do best. My main focus is Online youth work and Non formal education.
Clive Bonnici has 6 references for past work as a trainer.
Trainer Freelance, Project Manager and Youth Worker
- I worked for 4 yrs with Youth in Action (was in charge of TCP/Action 1.1/1.2/4.3.
- I designed various Training Course for NA's on a local and European Level. (R u online?, Quality Markt, Outdoor Activities, Inclusion and NFE and Young people, EVS Mid-term)
- I also founded two NGO which work with disadvantaged young people. One of the NGO also impliments online projects which targets young people on a national and international level.
- Worked as a Project Manager with EU Structural funds.
- Communications Degree
- MA in Youth and Community Studies
Experience in Online Youth work
This profile was last modified on 2017-02-08