Inclusion A to Z

A compass to inclusive international youth work. The best of the SALTO Inclusion & Diversity youth work manuals in one publication.

2022 update, with refreshed content and new looks!

"Diversity is something you count. Inclusion is something you feel" - Desiree Adaway

How to manage inclusion in international projects

  • Are you working with young people with fewer opportunity backgrounds? Would you like to add international mobility projects to your box of educational tools?
  • Or are you interested in opening up your international projects to include (more) young people with diverse backgrounds, to learn from and through diversity?

Then this booklet might be just what you are looking for...

Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps youth projects for ALL

The European programmes for youth offer youth workers and young people from across Europe opportunities to create inclusive opportunities by bringing diverse young people together. Inclusion is no longer just a possibility or option for those already engaged with diversity. Inclusion has become a criteria for selection of projects assessed by national agencies for Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps.

Priority is given to quality projects that actively address inclusion and diversity and involve participants with fewer opportunities. Besides, newcomer and grass-root organisations are also given priority in the grant awarding process.

“Inclusion A to Z” is designed to help open up the activities to as many potential users as possible. The booklet is intended to serve as a compass to help you steer through the issues of inclusion and the steps to managing an international-level activity from beginning to end. It's offers an introduction to the creation of youth programmes that give young people the opportunity to learn from and through diversity.

The combination of theory and practical methods presented here aim to equip you to either take your first steps into Erasmus+: Youth in Action & ESC with your inclusion group OR to improve the quality and scope of your current inclusion activities.

Inclusion A to Z will help YOU to start creating new and exciting chances for young people to get involved and “go international”.

Where this publication comes from

This handbook is drawing from different other SALTO Inclusion & Diversity publications. We merged the best of each publication in one sturdy youth work manual for inclusion. The 1st "Inclusion A to Z" was published in 2014. This is an update, with refreshed content and looks!

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