TOY - Trainers Online for Youth LidjaDjukes/
Lidija Dukes (ex Buric) has 6 references for past work as a trainer and added 3 tools to the SALTO Toolbox.
free lance trainer in the youth field and voluntary work
* EVS training cycle (pre-departure, on-arrival and mid term meetings, annual events) within Western Balkan and Croatia
* variety of TCA activities related to the active citizenship, participation, recognition and validation of non-formal learning, project management, quality of EVS within the YiA/Erasmus +
* SALTO YOUTH 10th anniversary "Firework 2010" Power of Non-formal Learning in Education, Training, Employment and Entrepreneurship
* Cross over - training course for KA2 strategic partnerships
* Let's coordinate - training course for quality in EVS
* Contact making seminars and Partnership Buidling Activities for EVS and 3.1. within programme countries and with neighbouring regions (like SEE, EECA and EuroMed)
* Training of multipliers of the Youth in Action Programme
* Training for Active Citizenship in the EU Enlargement Process
* Let's meet our neighbors and the world, Let's work with our neigbours and Let's evaluate with our neighbours - seminars for cooperation under Action 3.1. of the Youth in Action
* Get involved, seminar on participation and youth democracy projects
* Strategic planning
* Project Cycle Management
* Volunteer Management
* Monitoring and evaluation
* Let's cycle - a booklet about the experience of Let's Seminars with Our Neighbours
* CROATIA-country update for the European Inventory on Validation of Non-formal and Informal Learning
* Review of the youth work in Croatia for the Partnership of the European Commission and the Council of Europe.
* Training on Open Space Technology " Open Space Training as a Powerfull tool in Youth Work", 2010, Northern Ireland
* European Citizenship training Course, 2009, Belgium, organised by the Youth Partnership in cooperation with the SALTO TC RC and the network of National Agencies
* Training of Trainers for European Youth Projects course 2003/2004 organized by SALTO and IZ
* Workshop for trainers «Training methodology (advanced)», AED, Zagreb, 4-6 June 2003
* Faculty of Science, Department for Chemistry, University of Zagreb, enrolled 1995
* 1st Gymnasium Zagreb 1991-1995
youth work in SEE, volunteer managemen , validation of non-formal and informal learning
Croatian, Serbian, Slovenian (some)
Topics adressed: Youth Participation
Topics adressed: European Citizenship, Peer education, Youth Democracy projects, Youth Participation
Topics adressed: Social Inclusion, Group Dynamics, Personal Development, European Citizenship, Youth Participation
Find more training tools in the SALTO Toolbox for training.
This profile was last modified on 2018-12-17