TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
Trainer with more than 10 years of experience in different topics such as personal and public communication, PR, project cycle management, project writing, volunteering, ESC, European union and civic education. I love working with different groups and to challenge myself. I like little things in life - my life motto is the one by famous Croatian writer Ivana Brlic Mazuranic: "When you're happy, even the sun is in a hurry for you."
Domagoj Morić has 7 references for past work as a trainer and added 1 tools to the SALTO Toolbox.
owner / trainer
Since 2017. I have started with my small company, which offers various services to private, public and NGO sector. Some of the services include training course services, facilitation of workshops, events and conferences, publication creation, consultation and business services for different stakeholders, all of which is possible because of the team of more than 10 external experts and employees.
I'm regularly working with non-governmental organisations from Croatia and abroad and especially with National Agencies for Erasmus+ programmes, SALTO Resource Centres, and other stakeholders on European level.
My experience in working in non-profit sector includes:
2009. – 2017: Forum for Freedom in Education (project manager, coordinator for international programmes and youth programmes; trainer)
As a part of my work at Forum for Freedom in Education, I have been involved in different positions: volunteer, external associate on projects, project manager, trainer and youth worker on several projects. I’ve created the programme about unemployment of young people, which aims to help to enhance transversal skills of unemployed youth and to empower them in different topics relevant for future personal and professional development. The continued work on this programme has helped me to get better insight on young people, their needs and perspectives. Also, I have conducted and written several researches on youth work in Croatia and youth needs researches (free time, media literacy).
2011. – Present: Croatian Youth Network, Youth Studies Programme (Associate for Public Relations and Trainer / Mentor)
2011. – Present: Croatian Association of Visually Impaired People "VID" (Public Relations Manager – volunteer position)
As a trainer, I have implemented following trainings:
1) European Volunteer Service On-Arrival Training Courses and Mid Term Meetings for Erasmus+ Volunteers, Orahovica, Agency for Mobility and EU programmes, Croatia (2014 - ongoing)
2) Schools of Entrepreneurship for young people, teachers and youth workers, Forum for Freedom in Education, Croatia (2012 – ongoing)
3) Let’s do it Guerilla Way!, Agora Aveiro, Portugal (2014)
4) Project Management in Schools, Forum for Freedom in Education, Croatia (2014 – ongoing)
5) School volunteers: empowering teachers and young students for volunteering, working with children and promoting volunteering initiatives, Forum for Freedom in Education, Croatia (2014 – 2015)
6) Youth Studies (whole year programme): trainer on the three modules; Croatian Youth Network, Croatia (2015 - ongoing)
7) Activity and Visibility I and II, Forum for Freedom in Education, Croatia (2013 – 2014)
8) Education about the EU, Forum for Freedom in Education, Croatia (2010 – 2015)
9) Public Relations in Education, Forum for Freedom in Education, Croatia (2013 – ongoing)
Finally, I am the member of the pools of trainers/experts:
2020. - current: MIL & Communication Experts Group - SALTO Participation & Information
2019. - current: Pool of experts - South Eastern European Youth Network (SEEYN)
2017. - current: Pool of trainers – SALTO South East Europe Resource Centre
2014. - current: Pool of trainers – Erasmus+ in the field of Youth, Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes
2014. - current: Pool of trainers – Youth Studies Programme in Croatia – Croatian Youth Network
2010. - current: Pool of trainers – Youth Programmes, Civic Education and School Management Programmes – Forum for Freedom in Education
My formal educational background includes:
2015. - present - Media Studies, PhD study (University of Ljubljana)
2011. – 2014. – Communication sciences, MA (University of Zagreb)
2008. – 2011 – Communication sciences, BA (University of Zagreb)
which has helped me in the obtaining knowledge and skills related to communication, public relations and project management and project planning.
The non-formal education training courses have influenced my work in other aspects and helped me to improve my knowledge on topics related to youth work, civic education and mediation, as well as to get practical knowledge in implementation of trainings (ToT). The trainings are the following:
1) Study trip „Youth work in contested spaces“, University of Minnesota, USA (2014)
2) Training „Education against Corruption“, Forum for Freedom in Education (2014)
3) Training „Solar Academy - Dirty Energy in Europe“, Green Action / FoE Croatia (2013)
4) Training „International practices of youth work“, Youth Studies, Croatian Youth Network (2013)
5) Education „Increase the capacity of Croatian NGOs to use access to information“, Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency (2013)
6) „Communicaton School 2012 - Media and violence“, V. generation, Matica hrvatska (2012)
7) „Motivational training“, Croatian association of small businesses and MADI group (2012)
8) „Computer science 101“, lecturer: Nick Parlante, University of Stanford [online course] (2012)
9) Training „Youth studies and Youth participation – international practice“, Youth Studies, Croatian Youth Network (2012)
10) Seminar „Peer mediation“, Forum for Freedom in Education (2011)
11) Training „Mediation – advanced training“, Forum for Freedom in Education (2011 - 2012)
12) Training „Nonviolent communication – a path for growth in youth work“, Forum for Freedom in Education (2011)
13) Educational programme „Youth Studies“, Croatian Youth Network (2010)
14) Training „Education about the EU” – advanced training (ToT)“, Forum for Freedom in Education (2010)
15) Training „ Education about the EU” – basic training“, Forum for Freedom in Education (2010)
Media Literacy
Topics adressed: Personal Development, Youth Participation
Find more training tools in the SALTO Toolbox for training.
This profile was last modified on 2020-05-02