TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
"As a child I saw Tarzan strolling naked. Cinderella arrived home after midnight. Pinocchio told lies. Aladdin was a thief. Batman drove over 200 miles an hour. Snow White lived in a house with 7 men. Popeye smoked a pipe and had many tattoos, and in later years, Pac-Man ran with digital music eating pills that enhanced his performance. It's not my fault! Seriously..." (x)
Endre Kiss has 3 references for past work as a trainer.
I am free lance trainer in the field of youth non-formal education,I'im working in my organisation as a project coordinator. I'm member of the trainers pool of Mobilitas, National Youth Institution..
I have been working in the field of non-formal education as a professional youth worker since 2006. I have been acting in all the roles as possible in international and local youth projects and logistic person, facilitator of youth exchanges, seminars and conferences. trainer, coach and mentor as well. Since 2008, mainly I work as a trainer in the European Youth field. My main field of expertise are intercultural learning, migration, refugees issues, learning planing and following, Yothpass process, rural development and entrepreneurship, active participation of young people. In 2008, I had a chance to work with people from overseas countries, and since then in every year, I had a chance to facilitate different learning groups outside Europe as well, in Central and Southern-America, Africa and in Asia as well.
2002-2005 Human Resource Manager BA degree
During my studies I've learned several topics what I can use during my work nowadays as sociology, psychology, communication, marketing, how to work with individuals and with groups.
This profile was last modified on 2019-04-25