This is a reference for Lidija Dukes (ex Buric)

EVS On-arrival training course

The training activity took place
in Orahovica, Croatia
organised by NA Croatia
2015, 2016
Reference person

Maja Katinić Vidović

If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

- to create an atmosphere where everyone will feel safe and motivated to share,
exchange, reflect, think, debate, ask, answer;
· to give space to explore the new environments of the volunteers in their host country and organisation;
· to empower and inspire participants for their further EVS life;
· to develop intercultural competences of participants and raise their understanding of culture, prejudices, stereotypes and how to deal with culture
· to provide additional information on EVS roles/right/responsibilities and give answers to remained questions;
· to explore possible challenges and how to manage them constructively;
· to introduce and explore learning service philosophy of EVS;
· to support and promote objectives achievement planning;
· to provide individual support for volunteers if needed/necessary;
· to provide space for volunteers to get to know each other and create a possible networking.
Target group:
EVS volunteers from different programme countries started their EVS in Croatia region.
Non-formal education methodology, based on experiential learning, sharing experiences, small group work, role plays, discussions, debrieffings...
EVS volunteers encouraged and better prepared for their EVS experience in the region; networking and support mechanisms for EVS volunteers.
My task and responsibility:
I was trainer in a team of two of us, with shared responsibility to develop, prepare, implement and evaluate training course.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Maja Katinic from Croatia and me were trainers

Training methods used & main activities

project practice, small working groups, experiential methods, discussions, role plays, interactive inputs

Outcomes of the activity

Volunteers became more aware about whole EVS concept and their rights and responsibilities. They gain competences to initiate and implement small community projects. increased their intercultural competences as well as establish strong network with other volunteers.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Equal team member in preparation and implementation of the course.

I worked on this training for 4 days as a full time trainer.

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