TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
"In the universe the difficult things are done as if they are easy.
In the universe great acts are made up of small deeds.
The sage does not attempt anything very big,
And thus achieves greatness.
Easy promises make for little trust."
Lao Tzu
Gabriella Nagy has 4 references for past work as a trainer.
Between 2000 and 2010 I worked for Artemisszio Foundation, Budapest in different positions: language teacher, animator, mentor, project coordinator (international youth mobility projects and global education projects), trainer, head of the youth department of the Foundation.
Between October 2010 and October 2011 I worked at Torri Superiore ecovillage, Italy coordinating the hosting activities of the ecovillage (tourism, courses, volunteers).
Between 2014 and 2018 I worked for Open Society Foundations as a grant officer.
Since 2010 I have realised training activities as a freelance.
I have been collaborating with the Hungarian N.A. as a trainer since 2003.
I am author of the iPrepare online preparation tool for ESC volunteers (, and member of the Advisory Board for the creation of the ESC General Online Training.
Formal education:
- BEd (teacher's degree) and MA of English as a second language
- MA of Italian language and literature
At the University I have attended courses of pedagogy and psychology, I have gained teaching experience and learnt about interculturality.
My most important non formal learning experiences as a participant:
- 2000 Youth Exchange in Padova, Italy
- 2001 EVS at Xena Association, Padova, Italy
The EVS has provided me with the motivation to start working in the non profit sector and has particularly enriched me both from a professional and from a personal point of view.
- 2003 Future Capital project (Intercultural club evenings)
- 2009 Leonardo da Vinci traineeship at COSPE, Genova, Italy and at Torri Superiore Ecovillage, Italy
I have participated in numerous training courses and seminars in the framework of the Youth, Youth in Action and Erasmus + programmes.
Training for trainers I have received:
- 2007-2008 V4 Future Training for trainers (organised by the N.A.s of the V4 countries)
- 2005 EVS Trainers' meeting (organised by the Estonian N.A.)
- April 2004 SALTO Training for trainers on cultural diversity
mentoring; sustainability, Transition movement, ecovillage living
This profile was last modified on 2022-12-19