TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
Hi there! I'm Andrelo, I'm Music Therapist, specialized on people with dissabilities and INCLUSION
As a trainer, I believe in empathy, listening, humor, creativity, honesty and despite being a lover of improvisation AND also of good organization.
I believe in honest communication, i consider training courses like a team-game with a clear goal: to offer quality non-formal education that allows freedom of expression, synergies, trust and brilliant results.
Tell me :)
Andrés Sánchez González has 4 references for past work as a trainer.
As a freelance I work in the fields of music theraphy, poetry, rap, puppets, event manager, adults & children workshops, project designer... Now, I am working as a Communication & Event Manager in EURECA-PRO, European University of Responsible Consumption and Production, with one of the partners: Universidad de León.
· [Feb 2023 - present] EURECA-PRO ( Communication and events manager. Member of the Communication Task Force in the EURECA-PRO, Alliance of European
Universities in which the ULe is integrated together with 8 other European universities.
Tasks related to the communication, publicity and cultural management of events related to
responsible production and consumption
· [2008 - present] PIPAS DE COCO (freelance). Shows and workshops about poetry, puppets, hip hop, music therapy. Collaborating with public and private entities to carry out projects, shows and workshops throughout Spain.
· [2018 - present] ASOCIACIÓN CÉLULAS DURMIENTES (Cultural association). Coordinator, trainer and logistics in Erasmus + Projects.
· [2019 - 2021] PALADIO ARTE (Theatre company). Working with people with dissability, as a theatre teacher, screenwriter, scriptwriter, project manager.
· [2019 - 2021] CAMPO ADENTRO/ IN LAND (cultural organization). Workshops about poetry, Rural environment, youth and sound art.
· [2019 - present] PROYECTO MIRADAS (Castilla y León local government project). For 4 years I have been working as a musical facilitator in special education schools for this project that aims to bring music to people with disabilities. In León and Segovia.
· [2018] ASAMBLEA DE COOPERACIÓN POR LA PAZ (ACPP) + Castilla y León Local Government. Internship in Senegal, during three months. Carrying out journalism, photography and radio projects with the local community of Dakar and Ndioum.
· [2020 - 2023] Music Therapy Master in IMAP, Vitoria-Gasteiz. Three years master. I did my practises and master thesis with a young with Cerebral Palsy, we worked wih improvisation and songwriting in order to develop his selfconfidence, memory and talk attitude. In this Master I was learning to develop music threapy techniques, sessions. Learning to listen, to use the music as a tool of self-development, as an instrument of change and well-being
· [2022] Inclusion Training for Trainers. Organized by Salto Inclusion & Diversity in Jurmala, Latvia. We septn one week learning about inclusion and diversity concepts and resources for applying in our local communities and organizations.
· [2021 - 2022] It's Up to Me 7. Training for Trainers developed by NaturKultur (Bremen, Germany), holistic training on the skills of a trainer, online / offline training of more than 9 months. learning all the facets that a trainer must have when carrying out a complete training, when dealing with the participants, when designing the project.
· [2019] AVIAMA Scholarship (International Association of Puppet Friendly Cities). Trainings in Segovia about design, construction and staging of a puppet show. Participation in the festival of Charleville-Mèzieres, France.
· [2015] Cultural Management Master in Formarte in FACTORIA-Lab. How to develop a cultural project, phases and development. Production, logistics, idea.
· [2003 - 2008] Bachelor of Communication, Advertising and Public Relations in Valladolid University, Segovia Campus.
Music therapy
This profile was last modified on 2024-01-19