TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
Aleksandra Jones has 3 references for past work as a trainer.
Creative Producer
- Trainer of Forum Theatre/Theatre of the Oppressed
- Choreographer and Movement Director
- Ballet Teacher
- CODA Context Oriented Dance Approach practitioner
- Sensory Labyrinth Theatre practitioner
- Dance and Mindfulness
- Human Rights
TRAINER/EDUCATOR/Forum Theater facilitator 2001 – 2011
CEDEUM, Serbia ( 1999-2011
International Festival BITEF Polyphony special drama/theatre program; Trainer for UNICEF Drama in Education project AIDS awareness program “Right to Know”;
Trainer of teachers for over 200 schools for UNICEF Schools without Violence Program;
Trainer for both CARE International European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights and Tolerance and Peace Building Program;
Trainer for World Bank Education Improvement Program;
Trainer and national coordinator for 3 year Theatre for Interethnic Dialog project;
CAA Center against war and COOPI Internazionale as a trainer and team coordinator;
CARE International Yugoslavia, a tolerance and peace-building program in six towns of Sandzak region.
This profile was last modified on 2021-07-01