TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
To me, the joy of learning is in discovering and rearranging (thought and behavioural) patterns. I enjoy dealing with ambiguity, dismantling dichotomies, working towards consensus. I believe in the power of meeting and working together, that is the main reason I am here and willing to facilitate the process of discovery, learning and action.
Liga Rudzite has 12 references for past work as a trainer.
Freelance learning facilitator/ policy adviser/ researcher
2018 - visiting fellow, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
2018 - visiting fellow and lecturer, American University of Central Asia, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Since 2016 - junior researcher, Tallinn University of Technology
Since 2014 - policy adviser, Latvian Platform for Development Cooperation
Since 2011 - field researcher for international NGO's (have carried out fieldwork in Abkhazia,Algeria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Zimbabwe)
Since 2008 - freelance trainer for National Agency for Youth in Action programme in Latvia (with a particular focus on long-term strategic programmes related to inclusion, diversity, NEET issues, recognition of learning)
2009-2011 working with Forum Theater groups in Slovenia and Latvia
2006-2008 Project manager and youth worker in Organization of People with Disabilities and Their Friends “Apeirons”, Latvia
Since 2005 - volunteer project manager and trainer in 'Projektu darbnīca kopienām', Ogre, Latvia
Currently pursuing a PhD in Economics and Business Administration, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
2011 - 2014: Masters Degree in Social Anthropology, Riga Stradins University, Latvia
2008-2009: Training of Trainers for European Youth Projects Edition 8
2004 -2010: Professional Bachelors Degree in Social Pedagogy, University of Latvia
2003-2004: Studies of Art and Theater, Egå Ungdoms Høyskole, Denmark
Since 2001: various non-formal training courses, mostly on topics of youth participation, inclusion and theater and dance as tools for inclusion and active participation
This profile was last modified on 2020-01-22