TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
I’m free-lance trainer, mentor and youth worker.
Since 2009 I’ve been involved in community intervention and working with groups in several international contexts: Portugal, Hungary, Guinea-Bissau, Bulgaria and the Netherlands.
My main areas of work are personal development and coaching with a strong focus on movement and body awareness; mentoring of young people with fewer opportunities; media as an educational tool.
Afonso Bértolo has 8 references for past work as a trainer.
Free-lance Trainer, Facilitator, Youth Worker, Mentor
Since 2009 I’ve been involved in community intervention and working with groups in several international contexts, in and outside Europe.
Under the frame of Erasmus+/YiA I have been involved in the organization and facilitation of 8 Training Courses and 7 YE, I've mentored 4 Short-term EVS projects for young people with fewer opportunities in a total of 960 hours, and coordinated 1 long-term EVS project.
Outside Erasmus+, I've been involved in personal development and coaching training courses (15 in total) around Europe, and cooperation and development projects involving community development through youth work and HIV/AIDS counseling training for health care workers in Guinea-Bissau.
I've finished my Master degree in Clinical Psychology in ISPA, Lisbon in 2008.
I'm a certified trainer and I've attended several trainings and workshops on: Coaching, Personal Development, Somatic Work, Theatre, Dance, Youth Participation, Media for Education.
Kriol Guinea-Bissau
This profile was last modified on 2020-01-17