TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
'If we put together elements that haven't been put together before, we create the ground for the new ways of co-existence.' Intercultural trainer, facilitator, holistic and transformative work, methodologies of body, theatre, nature. Main expertise: training of trainers, inclusion, conflict, leadership, diversity, peacebuilding, wellbeing; for youth, youthworkers and teachers. Total delivery of 300+ training/fora days, 320+ hours of workshops, 3000+ participants, 80+ NGOs.
Ivan Kobelev has 3 references for past work as a trainer and added 2 tools to the SALTO Toolbox.
trainer, coach, facilitator
* Aug 2019 - May 2020, 'Feel like home' serie of evening workshops on intercultural and personal empowerment connecting migrant Russian speaking students and local Czechs, 15 evenings for cca 20 participants and 4 online workshops with students in Kazakhstan
* Sept 2019 - Aug 2021, 18 school workshops on prevention of GBCV (gender-based cyber violence) + training (16 days) and mentoring 20 students to become 'peer trainers' delivering own workshops on the topic in other schools, Czechia
* December 2019 Wellbeing and mental health for Award leaders of Duke of Edinburgh program, 3 days, 16 participants, Czechia
* November 2019 PM Days, facilitating a 3 day 'experiential conference' for diverse project managers, breaking ice and going beyond daily routines, minimalism; 60 participants, Czechia
* September 2019 YOUnique TC on vulnerability and personal courage, 8 days for 25 pax, Austria
* July 2019 Training for Teachers of STEM subjects, 4 days for 12 pax, Czechia
* March-May 2019 Time management and wellbeing for students, a serie of four evening workshops at University of Chemical Technology Prague
* March 2019 Training for Teachers of STEM subjects, 4 days for 14 pax, Czechia
* March 2019 Training of Trainers on inclusive education, 9 days for 24 pax, Czechia
* February 2019 Training of trainers taster, 1 day for 14 pax
* January 2019 DIVE Diversity and Inclusion in youth-work, AEGEE/ESN/JEF KA2 SP, 5 days for 20 pax
* December 2018 Facilitation and intercultural competence training for HEI youth workers, Russia: 3 days, 20 pax
* November 2018 Youth meeting: 100 Years since WWI, 100 Ideas for Peace, History and memory work, by French-German Youth Office, 5 days, 500 pax
* October 2018 Dare to be you, Youth empowerment YE Erasmus+, 12 days for 30 pax
* July 2018 DIVE Diversity and Inclusion in youth-work, AEGEE/ESN/JEF KA2 SP, 5 days for 20 pax
* Febr-June 2018 Training of Trainers on Transforming narratives, for UNOY peacebuilders: online training of 6 weeks, onsite of 7 days and traienr's coaching, for 20 pax
* November 2017 Team retreat of USE-IT Prague: 3 days for 12 pax
* September 2017 UN Progress study on SCR 2250 on Youth peace and security (forum): 4 days for 70 pax
* September 2017 Summer Academy on Outreach and Inclusion for EYP: 5 days for 50 pax
* August 2017 Training for Erasmus+ Trainers: 5 days for 26 pax
* May 2017 mentoring the 4 trainers of the 3 days ESN Spring Training
* April 2017 Conflict management, 4 days KA1 staff training
* April 2017 Training for Trainers of ESN Czech Republic: 3 days for 10 pax
* March 2017 KONTAKT Wellbeing retreat: 3 days, 20 pax
* March 2017 Intercultural Communication in Education, 4 days KA1 staff training
* February 2017 Training for Trainers of ESN Eduk8 Starter, Inclusion: 8 days 22 pax
* December 2016 Come2Unity Youth Forum on International Education in Russia, Tyumen: 3 days, 33 pax
* November 2016 Intercultural Communication in Education, 4 days KA1 staff training
* September 2016 Young Peacebuilders Forum: 5 days, 50 pax UNOY peacebuilders, through CoE.
* September 2016 Retreat on leadership and inclusion for exchange students: 5 days 60 pax
* May 2016 ESN ST Leadership Through Service, 4 days, 20 pax
* April 2016 ASEF Students Forum of ASEM Annual Rectors Conference: 3 days, 16 pax on Policy making for Youth Employability
* February 2016 Eventwise training assistance: 7 days self-directed learning process, 5 pax
* February 2016 Practicing coaching and mentoring training assistance: 7 days, 3 pax
* December 2015 Organization strategy development day for 14 pax
* November 2015 ESN AT Project management: 4 days, 19 pax
* September 2015 Retreat on leadership and inclusion for exchange students: 4 days 50 pax
* July 2015 Synergy Basic training assistance: 10 days self-directed learning process, facilitating space for growth of participants
* June 2015 ESN Leadership Academy: 4 days on leadership and coaching, 50 pax
* March 2015 ESN CZ TRAIN IT!: 3 days on Interpersonal communication, 16 pax
* December 2014 Team retreat for IC CUNI: 3 days, 10 pax
* October 2014 ESN CZ TRAIN IT!: 3 days training on non-profits' HR, 16 pax
* September 2014: ESN VISUM integration weekend, incl. learning about Leadership and Creativity, 20 pax
* Erasmus Student Network: 3 trainings for trainers, 4 years of development under shadowing, intense mentorship, etc. that I do myself as senior trainer and mentor nowadays.
* UNOY Peacebuilders: 1 training of trainers on conflict transformation which I deliver nowadays.
* Olde Vechte Foundation : 2 trainings of coaching and mentoring; 4 trainings on personal development through verbal and embodied coaching.
* Dragon dreaming: two courses training of the methodology lead by its founded John Croft.
* Mindfulness: 1 course in Czech Republic, 1 silent retreat in Thailand.
* Theatre of the oppressed three trainings and practice.
* Ara en movimento: training on using dance, body movement, contact improvisation methods in working with groups.
* ACSA CZ: Project management for accreditation.
Master thesis in 2016 focused on needs of social entrepreneurs in a business incubator.
Topics adressed: Social Inclusion, Personal Development
Topics adressed: Social Inclusion, Group Dynamics, Personal Development, Youth Participation, Environment
Find more training tools in the SALTO Toolbox for training.
This profile was last modified on 2023-04-23