TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Afonso Bértolo
The Next Step (TNS) project aimed to create a network of qualified youth workers using a new and innovative approach for youth programmes.
Its main working objectives were:
1) Increase the quality of youth projects, by introducing 24 youth workers to our method for designing and implementing programmes;
2) Empower 24 youth workers (8 facing fewer opportunities) by developing their own coaching attitude and facilitation style, based upon different approaches for coaching and self-reflection;
3) Increase inclusion for participants with fewer opportunities by having 25% of the participants fitting this criteria;
4) Increase the capacity of the organisations involved to create new and innovative projects;
5) Exchange the knowledge and best practices of the project through an online portfolio for promotion and dissemination;
6) Increase the attractability and impact of programs designed for youth;
7) Increase the learning opportunities on youth employment through the creation of KA1 projects and national activities.
The participant group was composed by people work actively with youth and have a special focus on unemployment: youth workers, trainers, coaches, NGO staff members, peer educators, mentors, facilitators and volunteers of NGOs.
These participants had a minimum 6 months experience working in the youth field.
They came from the following countries: Bulgaria, Denmark, Hungary, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal and Spain.
Experiential learning, coaching, self-coaching, body awareness, outdoor, learning by submerging, self-reflection groups, plenary discussions.
These are the main learning outcomes offered by the training course as an impact on participants
• Enhanced performance as facilitators;
• More able to design and deliver innovative programs with high quality, by implementing a new approach for youth projects and using new planning tools and skills;
• Enriched their methods to support further young people;
• More proactive, accountable and flexible attitude;
• Improved working performance and more productive work;
• Increased satisfaction and sense of fulfilment in their working lives;
• Enhanced performance as a team member/leader in local and international projects;
•Enhanced capacity to train others and support their professional growth;
•Increased impact on young people, due to clearer, more impactful and persuasive communication;
•Improved assertiveness;
• Enriched perspective on youth work through exchanging best practices with other participants;
• Deepened knowledge of Youthpass as a tool for self-assessment.
At this moment, an online portfolio containing input, tools, pictures and videos that were produced throughout the TC are is being developed and will be used for dissemination.
A testimonial of one participant collected by one of the partners can be found here:
As a full-time trainer I've designed the program in collaboration with the other trainers, I've facilitated parts of the program and led reflections with the participants.