This is a reference for Afonso Bértolo

The Difference Between - Creative tools for Communication and Connection

The training activity took place
in Hollókő, Hungary
organised by Egyesek Youth Association
31st October - 6th November 2017
Reference person

Eszter Korányi

If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

The Difference Between aimed to bring new tools and perspectives on communication to people working the groups through input and methods coming from communication field, theater, dance and body awareness.
Its working goals were:
1) Increase awareness on personal communication at all levels: non-verbal, vocal and verbal;
2) Discover new possibilities of movement to support own communication;
3) Improve own capacity for creating connection with others and gain their willing cooperation;
4) Develop a more persuasive and impactful communication;
5) Optimize the use of the body as a tool to create an emotional impact on others;
6) Enhance emotional mastery – improving the management of own emotions throughout the day, especially when dealing with unexpected situations;
7) Enhance own performance as a team member in a intercultural and international group;
8) Diversify own working approach

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

People who work with people - individuals and/or groups (youth workers, coaches, trainers, managers).
The participants came from European and African countries.

Training methods used & main activities

Experiential learning, Coaching, NLP, Body Awareness, Theater, Dance, Guided meditations, Reflection groups, Plenary discussions, Peer learning

Outcomes of the activity

1) Expanded toolkit for working with groups based upon inputs and methods coming from communication field, theatre, dance and body awareness;
2) Identifying personal needs, style and patterns of communications;
3) Developing a communication that suits all different needs and styles;
4) Improved capacity to establish connection/rapport;
5) Improved emotional management through emotional mastery;
6) Improved capacity for teamwork in an international and intercultural context.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

As a full-time trainer I've designed the program in collaboration with the other trainer, I've facilitated parts of the program and led reflections with the participants.

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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