TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Afonso BĂ©rtolo
CoachMe, CoachYou was a 10 days training designed to offer coaching skills. It was a project where the participants had the opportunity to practice different coaching techniques and develop their own coaching styles, as well as to watch examples of other coaching styles using media as tool.
Objectives of the project:
1.Increasing the quality of guiding and mentoring volunteers.
2.Practicing coaching techniques in safe environment.
3.Providing for each participant the experience of performing full coaching sessions.
4.Learning new coaching techniques.
5.Getting to know different coaching styles.
6.Sharing good case practices in working with volunteers in the NGO world.
7.Developing a network of reliable organizations, so that we create the possibility to develop future
projects together, such as trainings and exchanges
It was addressed to youth workers, youth leaders mentors, in general people who work and guide volunteers and young people on a regular basis.
Participating countries were: Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Slovenia, Latvia, Lithuania,
Hungary, Netherlands.
We worked from all different aspects of coaching, such as self-coaching, coaching one to one, coaching small teams and groups. For all these aspects, we offered skills and techniques and will
practice, until the moment we own them.
Additionally we used tools such as media, outdoor, roleplay games and and other activities.
On personal level the result of the training was to enable participants to identify and show up the core qualities and perform all different approaches available, through their own unique style.
On organizational level result we created a network for future partnerships we joined forces and applied together for further projects.
Trainer - designing the program, facilitating activities and input, coaching participants