TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
Quique Miana is an 54 years old experienced trainer in developing tools and methods addresed to social educators, youthworkers in order to help them to improve their educational intervention with youngster in different aspects: individual/group motivation, coeducation, participation, encouraging procceses....
Energy, good mood, refection dynamics and contributions coming from my dairy work as social educator in the last 30 years are my strong points.
Expert competence in Erasmus+ VET
Enrique Miana has 9 references for past work as a trainer.
CEO at Mundus Group
- Responsibility for project development, implementation and quality in ERASMUS VET in MUNDUS ASSOCIATION
-Responsible for cooperation projects and structural funds and rural development in a private company
-Manager of a youth center and a kids leisure center for The city Council of Zaragoza City
Responsible for European projects and cooperation for an private company focusin social work
Un beetween 2002 till now working in non formal education and monitoring public Youth Centers and a non formal training school.
DATE Training Title For whom
2005 Cooperative games and Intercultural Learning as tools for youthwork Austrian National Agency
2006 “ANIMATE”, street animation applied to youthwork Austrian National Agency
2006 Peer Youth Information groups Zaragoza Citu Council Youth Service
2007 European Youthweek coordination Jaca City Council Youth Service
2007 EVS On arrival training, three o fthem on 2007 Spanish Youth National Agency
2008 Footbal Evs: On arrival Training for 80 EVs Group Action Austrian National Agency
2008 Football Evs: Final Evaluation Training for group of volunteers evs Austrian National Agency
2008 “ Get IN Touch”, training for youthworkers: Tools for animation in the frame of Youth IN action Program Austrian National Agency
2008 European Youh Week Coordination Zaragoza City Council Youth service
2007/2008 Coordination of the Mid terms Evaluation in Spain Spanish Youth National Agency
2009 Seminar:
“Conflict prevention: Path To Peace and Active Citizenship” ( February) Creactive ( Makedonian Asotiation, makedonian national agency)
2009 and 2010 Youth encounter:
EUROPEAN YOUTH MEETING – 2009 BOLOGNA “Our Europe, my values, 20 years after
the Fall of the Berlin Wall”
CEMEA / Emilia Romagna Reggio
2009 CMS
“Finda partner and jump into YIA” Bulgarian National Agency
EUROPEAN YOUTH MEETING – 2010 BOLOGNA “Our Europe, my values, 20 years afterthe Fall of the Berlin Wall” CEMEA / Emilia Romagna Reggio
2010 - 2014: specific TC in different countries with topics connected in youth policy, development and implementation
- TC in the environment of EVS: on arrival , midterm and also specific OAT in short term projects
- Education through Sports
- Gaming for growing s educator, addressed for educators
Quique Miana is an 54 years old experienced trainer in develeoping tools and methods addresed to social educators, youthworkers.. in order to help them to improve their educational intervention with youngster in different aspects: individual and group motivation, coeducation, participation, encouraging procceses....
Currently working in MUNDUS asotiatiin, leading ERASMUS Vet projects , hosting/sending
His background was gained as youthworker , trainer and social educator in the last 20 years. Theather, Street animation, conflict resolution or cooperative dynamics habilities are some skills which hav help me to develope my training sesions.
Perhaps i can talk about myself as a creative, easy going people,hard worker,social "habilitied" person,:), and specially experienced working with groups, building a good mood and atmosphere in those courses, trainings that i manage.
This profile was last modified on 2023-11-13