TOY - Trainers Online for Youth as a facilitator and process designer who creates meaningful learning spaces at conferences, workshops and retreats for teams, organizations and institutions.
Anna Wohlesser has 3 references for past work as a trainer.
Facilitator & Process Designer
...believes in and supports a collaborative work culture – one that uses the potential and strengths of everyone and taps into the collective wisdom of the group. inspired by The Way of Council, Art of Hosting and Theory U. Loves hosting dinner parties as much as meaningful conversations.
...offers: Conference Design and Facilitation, Teambuilding and Teamcoaching, Participatory Process Design, Training and Consulting.
...worked among others with:
*UN Alliance of Civilization
*Global Impact Hub Network
*International Organization for Migration
*Austrian Federal Ministry of Education and Women's Affairs
*Austrian Federal Ministry of Families and Youth *University of Vienna
*Austrian National Youth Council
*European Forum Alpbach
*freims: contemporary consulting
*FORUM Umweltbildung
*Interkulturelles Zentrum
*Wien Xtra
2012 Magistra of Cultural and Social Anthropology University of Vienna, Austria
2008 Bachelor in Political Science
University of Vienna, Austria
2007/08 - Training of Trainers
since 2004 participation in various training courses and seminars about The Way of Council, Open Space Technology, U.Lab, Groupdynamics, Non-violent Communication and Mediation...
2004 - EVS in a youth organisation in Wroclaw, Poland
Action research, Art of Hosting, Appreciative Inquiry, Narrative Coaching, Facilitating change processes in organizations
This profile was last modified on 2017-01-11