TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
"Do what you love and you won't work a day in your life", I feel lucky to have had this chance in my life. My mission is to give the same opportunities to the people around me, with a special focus on youngsters with special needs or coming from difficoult beckground. I use Media and other tools to inspire them do what they love, living their life driven by their passions.
Luca Paolisso has 4 references for past work as a trainer and added 2 tools to the SALTO Toolbox.
Freelance Facilitator, Trainer
From August 2008 I’ve been working at YMCA Parthenope ONLUS, a non-profit organization from Italy, I organized and implemented trainings, seminars and youth exchanges. As trainer my role in this projects is to organize activities about team building, trust and cooperation between participants, I use different tools from outdoor until Media, like photos and videos. I also work as coach for small groups of students coming to Italy with the Leonardo project, helping them to get familiar with the new reality and reaching the greatest learning outcomes from this experience. As Project Manager I follow all the different phases, from writing the grant application, to the implementation of the course untill the final report.
Here you can find a list of projects I participated as trainer:
• August 2008: Facilitators and translator for the project called “Philia for Caucasus” in Poggio Mirteto, Italy.
• April 2009: Facilitators and translator for the youth Exchange called “Dance and Theatre in the Europe of Youth” in Poggio Mirteto, Italy.
• October 2009: Trainer in a training financied by EU named “Taking care of eachother developing outdoor” in Vibonati, Italy.
• April 2010: Facilitator in a youth Exchange called “Playfull” in Holloko, Hungary.
• May 2010: Facilitator and translator for the youth exchange organised by Solidaritè Jeunesses “Another look on reality” - Montendre, France.
• April 2011: Facilitator and translator for the training focused on media “Limelight for the invisibles” in Poggio Mirteto, Italy.
• July 2011: Head-trainer of the Youth Exchange: “Swetalian”, organized in Frigento, Italy.
• March 2012: Trainer for the training about media “Digital Puzzle” organized by Global Soma, Prespa, GR
• June 2012: Trainer for the project “Cibo per la mente” organized by YMCA Parthenope ONLUS, Poggio Mirteto, IT
• October 2013 Head Trainer for the Grundtvig Workshop “In digital Medio stat virtus” organized by U.I.L.D.M. Lazio, Poggio Mirteto, IT
• May 2013: Project Manager of the youth exchange “ReGeneratiON” organized by YMCA Parthenope ONLUS, Poggio Mirteto, IT
• September 2013: Head Trainer and Project Manager of the youth exchange “MediaMenti” organized by YMCA Parthenope ONLUS, Poggio Mirteto, IT
• May 2014: Project Manager of the Youth exchange "RecycLove: Taking care of eachother trough creative recycling", Italy
• June 2014: Head Trainer for the Grundtvig Workshop "Enhancing Audio-Visual Digital Literacy”, Italy
• September 2014: Trainer for the Training “Media Advocacy for Independent Living”, Latvia.
• March 2015: Trainer for the Training Course "Advertising The Change", Tereny, Hungary.
• May 2015: Head Trainer and Project Manager of the youth exchange “YOU&MEdia” organized by YMCA Parthenope ONLUS, Poggio Mirteto, IT
• May 2016: Head Trainer and Project Manager of the youth exchange “MediAware" organized by YMCA Parthenope ONLUS, Poggio Mirteto, IT
• September 2016: Head Trainer of the youth exchange “Glocal Handicraft” organized by Ianua Australis in Torre del Greco, IT
• Participant to the ToT - "Training of Trainers for European Erasmus+: Youth in Action Projects 2016/2017
• From 2007-2011 : Università degli Studi di Salerno: Bachelor Degree in Communication for Companies and Institutions.
• Erasmus Scholarship – Zaragoza, Spain. September 2008/February 2009- Universidad San Jorge specialization in Periodismo (Jurnalism).
• January 2012: Participant to the training “Practising Coaching” organized by Olde Vechte Foundation, Ommen, NL
• Grundtvig Scholarship- Paris, France. October 2011 untill July 2012. At Solidarités Jeunesses France as Communication assistant
Photo and Video Editing Skills
Topics adressed: Group Dynamics, Personal Development, Organisational Management
Topics adressed: Evaluation
Find more training tools in the SALTO Toolbox for training.
This profile was last modified on 2017-07-13