TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is me, Lisl: [L]ively, [i]nspirational, fun and [s]erious, [l]oving learning journeys with diverse groups. Freelance trainer and facilitator as well as supervisor/coach/organizational consultant. I am passionate about human rights, equality and diversity, inclusive participation & participatory decision-making processes. Experienced in: process-oriented training courses, group dynamics, training4trainers, large groups, project management, advocacy etc.
Elisabeth Hanzl has 3 references for past work as a trainer.
freelance trainer and facilitator
# 4th Eastern Partnership Youth Forum in Vilnius/Lithuania: facilitator of the workshop "Minds Switched On: Empowering Critical Thinking and Policy Making" [Lithuania, June 2019]
# 1st Austrian Youth Conference: facilitation of the multi-stakeholder conference, facilitation of dialogue between youth and politicians / policy makers [Austria, June 2019]
# "Youth for Human Rights"-Networking Event on Youth Work and Human Rights Education [Austria, May 2019]
# Erasmus+ Fachtag moderation/facilitation [Austria, May 2019]
# KA3 project "Care Leaving Dialog": facilitation of the multi-stakeholder conference, preparation/training of participants (care leavers), facilitation of dialogue between youth and politicians / policy makers [Austria, April 2019]
# KA3 project "UMF united": training of 30 young refugees in the context of youth participation, active citizenship and civic engagement [Austria, March 2019]
# KA3 project „Care Leaving Dialog“: facilitation/training of Care Leavers in the context of the Structured Dialogue > 3x 3 days, approx. 15 pax each [Austria, March – November 2018]
# European Youth Forum (YFJ): facilitation and competence training for youth workers & youth organizations „Building a more welcoming local community“, 4 days, 22 pax [Belgium, October 2018]
# EU-Conference „Gender Equality & YOU“ ( conference facilitation > 2 days, 250 pax [Austria, October 2018]
# EU Youth Conference: conference facilitation > 3 days, 200 pax [Austria, September 2018]
# Austrian Students‘ Union: training for self-organised groups of peer-to-peer tutors > 4 days, 20 pax [Austria, September 2018]
# Home Away From Home ( training and capacity building for young people and youth workers working in the field of inclusion/integration with refugees/migrants/asylum seekers > 7 days, 25 pax [Croatia, July 2018]
# NoHateSpeech Movement / Center of Competence for Open Youth Work in Austria: training for youth activists > 2 days, 10 pax [Austria, June 2018]
# European Youth Event (EYE): workshops on gender equality and participatory budgeting > 0,5 days, 40-60 pax [France, June 2018]
# European Youth Forum (YFJ): facilitation of the Migration and Human Rights network meeting > 2 days, 10 pax [Belgium, May 2018]
# KA3 project „UMF united“: training and facilitation with a group of young refugees in the context of the Structured Dialogue > 3 days, 30 pax [Austria, April 2018]
# participatory preparatory process for „Gender Equality & YOU“ EU-conference: facilitation of the broad prep-process and multi-stakeholder project-team > several project meetings and multiplication workshops, 4-8 pax [Austria, February-November 2018]
# European Youth Forum (YFJ): staff training on Gender Mainstreaming > 0,5 days, 12 pax [Belgium, October 2017]
# European Conferederation of Youth Clubs (ECYC): "International Working Group on Youth Policy and the Role of Youth Work in Preventing Violent Extremism of Youth" training/facilitation > 4 days, 24 pax [Belgium, October 2017]
# project coordination and facilitation of the Erasmus+ project “Open up! The vital role of youth organisations regarding the inclusion of young refugees” - co-organized with more than 20 partner organisations > 2 project meetings, 20 pax [Austria, October 2016 – April 2017]
# CoE Youth Department / Austrian National Youth Council: trainer/facilitator for the national training course in Human Rights Education: “Get up, stand up! Human Rights Education against Hate Speech” > 5 days, 28 pax [Austria, Oct-Nov 2016]
# Austrian National Youth Council: facilitating a hands-on workshop for multipliers and youth workers on methods and tools to work with children and youth on the topic of asylum, refugees and migration > 0,5 days, 20 pax [Austria, March 2016]
# European Youth Forum (YFJ) and Austrian National Youth Council: facilitation network meeting “Human Rights and Migration” > 2 days, 20 pax [Austria, February 2016]
2017-current >> board (praesidium) member of Amnesty International Austria (volunteering) with a main focus on management, communications and strategic planning
2013-2017 >> full time employed as youth policy officer at the Austrian National Youth Council ( with a special focus on gender equality, women's rights and international youth policy
-> 2017-2020: training course in supervision, coaching and organisational development (ÖAGG, Vienna/Austria) - broadening my reflection and skills to coach and consult individuals, groups and organizations [in total 590 learning units (45min each) with 24 residential training modules]
-> 2013-2017: several workshops and trainings related to my work as youth policy officer at the Austrian National Youth Council - deepening my knowledge on youth policy
-> 2012-2013: training for trainers (8 training modules of 3-5days each, co-training, supervision) in the context of the ÖH (Austrian Students' Union) with a special focus on group dynamics and theme-centered-interaction (following Ruth Cohn)
-> 2004-2008: numerous workshops and trainings for trainers in the context of AFS (Intercultural Programs)
Fields of study at university: art history (focus on contemporary art and feminist interventions) and comparative literature
This profile was last modified on 2019-06-25