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Group Building Activity

Our Europe

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This is an "active-table" game.
It is a team-building and a game to have fun. This game was invented during a youth exchange in italy. "Playing we learn to build Europe"

Aims of the tool

Make group between participants
Learn about Europe
Have fun

Description of the tool

Preparation of the game

Divided the group in teams balanced for number of member. Minimum two teams.
Decide one person that will be the master of the game.
Objective of the game is to obtain as much countries and points as possible.

How to obtain countries and points

The game is divided in rounds,
One team start and choose one countries from the map,
The master choose random a task from the task card,
All teams have to Do/answer to the task,
The team that answer/won to the task competition, take 1 point,
If the task will be won by the team that choose the country have to put their flag on the country obtained,
If the task will be won from any other team that didn't choose the country will win 1 point but not will obtain that country
This is a round.
The next round other team have to choose a country and answer to the task to obtain that country.
If one team during his round didn't obtain the countries that choose the next round can't try to obtain the same country.

General Rules

The team that answer correctly to the task win 1 point.
Each countries that you had obtained is 1 point
If you obtained 4 neighborhood countries you get 4 points,
If next to the 4 neighborhood countries there is one more country, is one more point. One point more, each neighborhood countries that you had obtained (4+1=5....).
Is not allowed to use internet to answer to the task.


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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

Our Europe

This tool addresses

European Citizenship

Materials needed:

The material in attached. Look on the task cards what you really need


Actually can be pretty long... you can choose a time when the game should finish but minimum 1 hour

Behind the tool

The tool was created by

The participants durin a youth excange in italy: "Playing we learn to build Europe" organized by Esplora

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Raffaella Palmiero (on 27 April 2015)

and last modified

3 April 2015

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