2009 SALTO statistics - you were numerous to connect with us - Thanx

Find a statistical overview of SALTO's activities and achievements in 2009: you participated in many courses, downloaded lots of training resources and visited the SALTO web-page again over ONE MILLION times.

The SALTO-YOUTH network of Resource Centres organised at least 49 activities in 2008 (courses, seminars, study visits, staff trainings) (at least 42 in 2008, 40 in 2007, 48 in 2006, 45 in 2005, 40 in 2004). SALTO online application & selection procedure was used with most of those activities (easier access, greater transparency, more efficient course management). SALTO-YOUTH coordinated and co-organised further 27 so called "network activities" (BTM, SOHO, TicTac, European Citizenship TCs, ToT, TOM, Appetiser,... - more explanation here), where on-line applications were used as always.

Web-site general

In 2009 the SALTO website (www.salto-youth.net) saw an increase of visits (a visit is defined as one user arriving on one of our pages, till s/he leaves the SALTO pages again. Within one visit a user can view several pages. A user can make several visits to our site).

  • In 2009 there were 1'226'235 visits (registred by Urchin software) - this is an average of 3'360 visits per day.
  • (compared to 1'014'411 visits in 2008, 1'089'000 in 2007, 721'487 in 2006, 442'144 in 2005 and 274'051 visitor sessions in 2004).
  • In total you viewed 8'334'235 pages during those visits in 2009 - that's an average of 6 pages per visit.

The busiest period was September-November 2009 (with peaks of 137'000 visits per month).


You downloaded in total over 4'590 different files in 2009 (4500 in 2008, 3800 in 2007) from the SALTO website, and this 471'243 times (425'000 in 2008, 310'000 in 2007, 219'331 in 2006, 115'884 in 2005, 75'935 in 2004). This represents an amazing total of 489 gigabytes of data ('only' 225 in 2008).

European Training Calendar

You, the National Agencies and SALTO listed 183 activities in the European Training Calendar (172 in 2008, 157 in 2007, 192 in 2006, 169 in 2005, 167 in 2004). Out of it, over 25% of those activities were organised by SALTO in cooperation with National Agencies and 50% of those listed training events were organised by (or in cooperation with) other institutions and NGOs.

  • There were 642'000 searches carried out in the Training calendar in 2009 = viewing the www.salto-youth.net/find-a-training/ page, indicating a search. This is an increase of 33% compared to the year before.
  • (482'847 in 2008, 301'000 in 2007, 207'049 in 2006, 155'615 in 2005)

Toolbox for Training

In 2009 we added a 'rating functionality' to the SALTO Toolbox for training & youthwork. You can now give from one to five stars to your favourite training methods.

  • The Toolbox grew to a total of over 1000 useful trainer tools by the end of 2009. There is a wide diversity of training methods, exercises, energisers, simulation games, publications, powerpoints, etc available. (899 in 2008, 741 in 2007, 600 in 2006, 445 in 2005, 350 in 2004)
  • In 2009 you and we added over 100 new training tools in the Toolbox (158 in 2008, 141 in 2006, 155 in 2005). The pace is logically slowing down, because many tools are already in the Toolbox and should not be duplicated.
  • You searched the toolbox 189'500 times = visit to the www.salto-youth.net/find-a-tool/ page indicating a search (180'000 times in 2008, 184'000 in 2007, 113'362 in 2006, 64'909 in 2005).

Trainers Online for Youth

By the end of 2009 there were 270 experienced youth work trainers listed in the TOY database (260 in 2008, 266 in 2007, 215 in 2006, 210 end of 2005, 183 end 2004). Also in 2009 the TOY trainers were 'refreshed' meaning that in-active trainers were put offline (till they update their profile again). This gives you only up-to-date trainer profiles for your international youth training activities.

  • You searched the TOY database 208'600 times in 2009 = visit to the www.salto-youth.net/find-a-trainer/ page indicating a search (430'000 in 2008, 100'000 in 2007, 57'347in 2006, 53'162 in 2005).

SALTO Newsletter

The information via the various SALTO Newsletters reaches 1X'000 readers throughout 2009 (a bit more than 10'000 in 2008, just under 10'000 in 2007, 8800 in 2006, 7450 in 2005, 6500 in 2004) and new issues of the "Meet'In EuroMed", "SeeYOUth" and "YOUTHin7" magazines were published and distributed on a regular basis.

  • Maybe you got one or more of the 65 newsletters in 2009 on one of the topics you can subscribe to: Inclusion, EuroMed, Cultural Diversity, Europe & Causasus, Youth Participation, South-East Europe - or just the general SALTO news.

Many new educational publications, reports, booklets, guides saw the light, see more here!

Who are you?

It is interesting to know where you came from and how you heard about SALTO: according to the statistics appr. 70% of you find your way directly to the SALTO website (860'000 of the visits in 2009, 726'700 in 2008), but we would also like to thank the following websites for their referrals:

  • www.google.com and mail.google.com (good for 137'400 & 9'637 referrals = 12% of our visits)
  • www.ua.gov.tr (22'800 referrals = 1.88%, 4 times more than in 2007: 5'600)
  • www.ec.europa.eu (10'800 referrals = 0.9%, 1,5 times more than in 2007: 4700)
  • New in the ranking is www.facebook.com which forwards us 5'300 visits = 0.4%)
  • and http://ab-ilan.com/ (4'800 referrals - thanx!)

... and a bit of interesting details (only out of information provided by users):

We have now (end 2009) 38'000 MySALTO users = with password for the SALTO site (in 2008 'only' 30'000). 39% are registered as Male, 61% Female. Over 6000 of them come from Turkey, but only 14 from Liechtenstein. Three oldest MySALTO users were born in 1932 and live in United States, France and Netherlands. Several youngest users in 2008 were 14 years old.

(figures based on the 2009 webstatistics by Urchin and our Content Management System by webFactory - SALTO is not responsible for possible errors or incoherence)

Also have a look at the SALTO Statistics for 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and our webstats.

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