TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
Polona is grateful, when she can create spaces, where people can safely decide about their participation. She values highly co-creation and ejoys witnessing 'magic' in tems. Her beloved contents of exploring are reflecting, learning, evaluating, project management, impact, creativity, communication, connection, well-being. She is a nonviolent communication trainer in certification at international CNVC and a licenced yoga instructor at YIDL.
Polona Siter Drnovšek has 6 references for past work as a trainer.
Free lance facilitator, trainer and project manager.
I have been facilitating/delivering trainings maily within E+: Youth and European Solidarity Projects: International study visits, national workshops for Quality label applicants, trainings for accessors, before-departure, on-arrival mid-term evaluation and yearly meetings for participants, national and international trainings Impact+ for youth field, on and off line. Especially during a pandemic of Covid, I have delivered many of those events on-line.
In the related fields I have facilitated events, trainings and workshops for NGOs and in the (adults) education sector and open workshops for public.
Beside that, my roots are in local youth work: I was a director of a local youth center for 10 years, working from local to international level and I keep my interest for local youth work always vivid.
- I hold a Bachelor's degree in Sociology (University of Ljubljana): Studies empowered me for observing processes in the society and strengthen my sensibility for exclusion and inequality.
- Studying and practicing Nonviolent communication (by Marshall Rosenberg) gave a new dimension of connecting to fellow human-beings , no matter in which contexts of my life and is extremely useful also when supporting group processes. I am a trainer of NVC in the certification process at CNVC.
- When I got acquainted with the concept of The Art of Hosting and Harvesting Conversations that Matter (it was on a week long training where I was observing the trainers or better, hosts), I decided that I want to do facilitation professionally. Besides the principles of non-formal learning from youth work, that I knew before, this is like an up-grade, a step higher or deeper into supporting group processes.
- Since 2002 I am practicing yoga, which has brought in my life a lot of calmness and stability and helps me to connect with my self in any moment. I am holding a national certificat for yoga instructor.
This profile was last modified on 2024-03-01