TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
Learning happens everywhere. This is the biggest point i learnt during my European Voluntary Service in 2005 in Germany. Since then i am learning more conscious and already since 2007 i have been organizing non formal learning activities such as workshops, trainings and youth initiatives. I am experienced in designing non formal educational programmes for young people and professionals in the youth sector.
Country of origin: Turkey and Germany.
Melih Özkardes has 11 references for past work as a trainer.
Project and Event Manager
After collecting lots of non formal training experiences within EuroPeers Network i have finished Training of Trainers (ToT) Education in 2014/2015. Except for beging a trainer/facilitator i am working in the event field since 2011.
I have already organized non formal learning based trainings, seminars and workshops in Germany, the Netherlands, Estonia and Bosnia
I studied at the German Sport University in Cologne (Germany). My degrees are Sport Science, Sport Management, Sport Economy, European Sport Studies. Furthermore i have qualifications in non formal learning based European youth work and international project management as well. I studied also two years in Turkey in the field of physical education teaching. Except for this i finished the Training of Trainer (ToT) offered by SALTO to advance my trainer skills.
Managing skills, IT-Skills
This profile was last modified on 2021-04-11