TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
For me it is very important to create a safe atmosphere where participants can feel comfortable to exchange, to share, to learn from the others, from themselves, from the trainers.... main aims for me are to help participants reflect, give them energy and motivation.
My training experience is mainly related to ESC training cycle, Erasmus + Programme, project management and social entrepreneurship.
Patricia Eguía Mayor has 7 references for past work as a trainer and added 1 tools to the SALTO Toolbox.
Freelance Trainer
• November 2016 - Present. Freelance trainer in the fields of Voluntary services, European projects, social entrepreneurship and employability and project management, specially working within the Programmes Erasmus + and European Solidarity Corps for the Spanish and the German National Agencies. During the last years also trainer in online settings.
• 2021 - Present. Evaluator of KA2 Projects under Erasmus + Youth, for the German National Agency for Erasmus +. 2017-2019. Evaluator of KA2 Projects for the Spanish National Agency for Erasmus +.
• 2016 - 2023. Member and vice-president of Asociacion Parkeri, a non profit organization focused on non-formal education and youth work. Project coordinator and member of the administrative commission.
• February 2018 - February 2019. Social worker in a home for women at risk. Solwodi. Koblenz (Germany).
• December 2013 - October 2016. Pedagogical assistance of volunteering services in Africa. Volunta gGmbH. Frankfurt (Germany).
• April 2008 - October 2013. Project coordinator of European non-formal education projects especially under Youth in Action / Erasmus + Programme, Coordinadora Infantil de Tiempo Libre de Vallecas. Madrid (Spain).
• March 2007 - April 2008. Social worker with at risk youth. Fundación Tomillo. Madrid (Spain).
Profile as an international trainer;
• 2019 - Present. Member of the Youth@Work Pool of Trainers on Youth Employability and Entrepreneurship. Development of 3 trainings in the frame of this pool.
• Regular collaborator for the Spanish National Agency for Erasmus + Programme, especially in the Region of Madrid for different projects, trainings, informative online sessions.
• 2018 - Present. Trainer for the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) training cycle for the German National Agency.
• 2009 - Present. Trainer for the EVS and ESC training cycle for the Spanish National Agency.
• 2015 - Present. Trainer for the training cycle of volunteering programmes in Germany (IJFD, Weltwärts).
• 2012 - Present. Project manager and trainer of 9 international courses about youth social entrepreneurship for youth workers and youth leaders, as TCA for the Spanish National Agency and as KA1 Erasmus +.
• August 2017 and June 2013. Trainer for the international course “EVS gave me a job” and creation of the “EVS Learning Notebook” which is used in every on-arrival training in Spain.
Within formal education:
• October 2009 – September 2010. Postgraduate “Management of Cooperation Projects” in the UOC (Universidad Oberta de Cataluña) with the Spanish Red Cross.
• 2002 – 2005: Degree in Social Education in the “Universidad Nacional a Distancia, U.N.E.D”.
• 1996 – 2001: Administration and business management graduate in the “Universidad Autónoma de Madrid”.
Within non-formal education:
• June 2022 and March 2019. Participant in “TOTEE Training of Trainers on Youth Employability and Entrepreneurship”. Turkey and Spain.
• April 2017. Participant in “COMETS Training Course on Integrating a political dimension into the trainers’ work”. Dresden (Germany).
• October 2011 – June 2012. Participant in the course “Trainer of trainers” organized by SALTO. Training for organization and development of international training projects. Wales, Belgium and Bulgaria.
• 2008 – 2009. Participation in the SALTO Training courses SOHO (France), “Tic Tac” (Romania) and “Coach2coach” (Hungary).
I’ve participated in many training courses, which have been very important for the development of my professional skills, and besides I’ve always paid attention to the methodologies and the trainers, so that It has always helped me to learn new methods, but also attitudes and observed good examples of good trainers.
In the last years I’ve participated in two training courses for trainers, which have helped me a lot to improve myself in this field. I have to point out the Trainer of Trainers course organized by SALTO, where I’ve learnt a lot, not only about training, organizing courses or sessions, but also about working in international environments.
Topics adressed: Voluntary Service
Find more training tools in the SALTO Toolbox for training.
This profile was last modified on 2023-07-24