This is a reference for Patricia Eguía Mayor

EVS gave me a job

The training activity took place
in Madrid, Spain
organised by Coordinadora Infantil y Juvenil de Tiempo Libre de Vallecas
16-21 June 2013

Aims & objectives

The project „EVS gave me a job“ consisted on a seminar, that took place in Cercedilla (Madrid) from 16th to 21st of June 2013.

The main aim of the seminar was to create a space for exchange and reflection about the experience of the volunteers, the learning process they experienced, the development of competences that has improved their employability or given them a job after their EVS.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

There were 26 participants, ex EVS volunteers, coming from 12 countries: Italy, Greece, Austria, Hungary, Rumania, Lithuania, Turkey, Sweden, Slovakia, Poland and Spain.

Training methods used & main activities

The methods used were all included in the non-formal learning methods. Games, discussions, creative activities like making a short film about the eight competences, work in groups, etc.

Outcomes of the activity

During the seminar two documents were created:

-One document for the visibility of EVS as a learning program in frame of non-formal education, that enhances the personal and professional competences of the volunteers and that improves employability of the volunteers. This document was created gathering the personal experiences of the volunteers during their EVS, their reflection about their learning process and their professional experiences afterwards.

-A booklet as a tool for the entities working with EVS and for future volunteers to help organize and reflect about their learning process along their EVS.
For the development of this tool, the trainer’s team offered a previous squeme to be completed with their contributions after reflecting about their own experience during their EVS regarding planning and reflecting their learning.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was a full-time trainer and co-organizer of the event.

I worked on this training for 5 days as a full time trainer.

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