TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
Hi there, I'm Csenge, living and working in Spain. I entered the world of trainers while being in AIESEC over two decades ago, but my passion hasn't faded since.
My specialities are intercultural training, experiential learning (especially improv theatre, creativity and design thinking), facilitation and training for youth organisations (including training the trainers).
I can train in English, Hungarian, Spanish and French. If you feel like we could cooperate, feel free to contact me!
Csenge Fazekas has 6 references for past work as a trainer.
Freelance intercultural and skills trainer and facilitator
I've worked in various business areas, always collaborating with international teams (from Benelux, France, the UK and the US mainly). I have experience both as an employee and project/team leader in corporate and non-profit settings. I recently worked as an EU training project manager - I'm strong in organizing and problem-solving as well.
I put together and delivered my own Erasmus+ training courses and collaborated with organizations for intercultural training (over 400 hundred hours of knowledge delivered so far). I did an ESC project in 2014-2015 in Spain, and this brought back my passion for youth work, as such many of my courses are aimed at NGOs, working with non-formal education.
I am a Global DISC licensed practitioner: I can help individuals map their cultural preferences, but also teams discover their cognitive diversity. In addition, I am also certified in Growth Zone, the only available tool currently that can measure psychological safety and motivational drive in teams.
BA and MA International Relations (Corvinus University of Budapest, 2004 – 2010): Major in Diplomacy, minor in Organisational Psychology
Global DISC & Growth Zone Licensed Practitioner (2021, ICQ Global)
Deep Culture Learning (2020, Japan Intercultural Institute)
Mental Health First Aider (2020, MHFA England)
Developing Intercultural Training Skills (2017, LTS Training and Consulting Ltd)
Youth Trainers’ Academy: European Train the Trainers focusing on experiential learning by Zero Generation (2016)
I also polish my skills whenever I have the chance, just recently taking part in an EduScrum and Team Coaching training course.
This profile was last modified on 2025-02-06