Ognian Gadoularov


"Confident, Responsible, Engaging, Calm, Well-mannered, Passionate, Positive, Protective, Interesting, Creative, Communicative, Very friendly, REVOLUTIONARY" - These are just some words that my friends and colleagues have said about me. I leave you to judge whether they are true.

Ognian Gadoularov has 8 references for past work as a trainer and added 15 tools to the SALTO Toolbox.

Ognian Gadoularov

Contact details

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Trainer connections

  • Carlos De Sousa Santos
    Carlos De Sousa Santos
  • Nora Stefanova
    Nora Stefanova
  • Annan Mohamed
    Annan Mohamed
  • Iyad Aljaber
    Iyad Aljaber
  • Shadi Zatara
    Shadi Zatara
  • Tsvetina Zaharlieva
    Tsvetina Zaharlieva
  • Ieva Grundsteine
    Ieva Grundsteine
  • Elena Díez-Villagrasa
    Elena Díez-Villagrasa
  • Antonio Benaches Bodí
    Antonio Benaches Bodí
  • Silvia Crocitta
    Silvia Crocitta
  • Samer Al-Kasih
    Samer Al-Kasih
  • Aytaç Uzunlas
    Aytaç Uzunlas
  • natalie jivkova
    natalie jivkova
  • Ivan Dikov
    Ivan Dikov
  • Tihomir Georgiev
    Tihomir Georgiev
  • Imre Töviskes
    Imre Töviskes
  • Eleni Michail
    Eleni Michail
  • Atanas Genkov
    Atanas Genkov

Current occupation

Youth worker and Trainer

Work experience

Before 2007 Ognian worked for 7 years as a Veterinary surgeon in private clinic. Since 2007 he enters the world of NFE and interactive teaching as business trainer and consultant specialized in trainings for presentation and communication skills, sales skills and customer care, and team-building programs.

At 2009 Ognian starts to work in youth-field first as volunteer, after as a project coordinator and now as a trainer and youth worker. Currently working as a trainer specialized in training personal development and realization, social inclusion, environment, team work and more. He is involved in interactive teaching and environmental education for children and youth. Also prepares and educates trainers for working with children and young people. He is a trainer with interests and experience in meditation, yoga and energy practices. His favourite topics are personal development, self-discovery, responsible consumption, sustainability and environmental protection.
Expert in conducting adventure programs based on methods of experiential learning and improving team performance. Certified instructor in rock climbing and slack lining.
EMPLOYER: Learning for Change Foundation - www.learningforchange.net

RESPONSIBILITY: President of the board; Educational expert and trainer; Project coordinator; Researcher; Author of

Training conducted:
“Nature as a Teacher” – 2017, Bulgaria – Erasmus + TC about using outdoor education and ecocentric development, 2016-3-BG01-KA105-035201;
“ACHIEVE” – 2017, Bulgaria, Romania, Cyprus - Erasmus + TCs about positive psychology and ecocentric development for youth, 2016-2-BG01-KA205-023835;
“Build Inner peace – Bring Outer Peace: strengthening youth workers impact against radicalization” – 2018, Bulgaria – Erasmus + TC, 2018-1-BG01-KA105-047569;
“MOVING BEYOND – innovative learning tools for personal and professional development of youth” – 2019, Bulgaria, Romania, Cyprus, Erasmus + TCs for using positive psychology, positive education and ecocentric development with disadvantaged youth, 2018-2-RO01-KA205-049977;
“SMILE! – Positive psychology for inclusion of marginalized youth” – 2019, Bulgaria – Erasmus + TC, 2019-1-BG01- KA105-061537;

Projects coordinated:
"ACHIEVE" - innovative methods for training and development of youth workers (2016-2-BG01-KA205-023835) - KA2 Erasmus +;
“MOVING BEYOND” – innovative learning tools for personal and professional development of youth (2018-2-RO01-KA205-049977) - KA2 Erasmus + Youth;
EMPLOYER: HRDC - Human Resource Development Center (National Agency for Erasmus + Programme), Bulgaria

RESPONSIBILITY: Preparation and implementation of programs and training under the European program "Erasmus +".

Training conducted:
"On Arrival EVS training" - 2015 - training for volunteers under the European Voluntary Service;
"Give power to Empower 3" - 2015, Bulgaria - TCA training by Bulgarian NA for youth workers on the field of youth empowerment and sustainable youth work;
"Lobbying and Advocacy" - 2016, Bulgaria - TCA training by Bulgarian NA for youth workers on the topic of lobbying and advocacy;
EMPLOYER: National Center for European Youth Programs and Initiatives (NCEMPI), Sofia (Bulgaria)

RESPONSIBILITY: Preparation and implementation of programs and training under the National Youth Program and the European program "Youth in Action"

Training conducted:
"Be Fit" - 11.2012 - training for young people from remote towns to promote programs for youth activities and developing skills in writing and implementation of youth projects;
"On Arrival EVS training" - 12.2012 - training for volunteers under the European Voluntary Service;
"Give Power to Empower" - 10.2013, Romania - TCA for Romanian NA for youth workers on the field of youth empowerment and sustainable youthwork;
"Interactive tools and NFE" - 11.2013 - training of trainers for National Youth Forum trainers pool;
"Final Evaluation EVS training" - 12.2013 - final evaluation of EVS projects;
"Lobbying and Advocacy" - 03.2014 - training for youth workers for conducting of youth initiatives and causes;
"Promotion of EVS Practices" - 03.2014 - training for youth workers for promoting EVS;
"Give Power to Empower II" - 09.2014, Cyprus - TCA for Cyprus NA for youth workers on the field of youth empowerment and sustainable youthwork;
EMPLOYER: NC Future Now 2006, Smolyan (Bulgaria)

RESPONSIBILITY: Preparation of programs and conducting interactive training for children and youth. Implementation of eco-camps. Coordination of international youth projects. Preparation and revision of training manuals. Moderation of events.

Training conducted:
"Presentation Skills" - 2010 - training for the Coalition "For the Nature in Bulgaria";
"Presentation Skills" - 2010 - training for young people from the "Ideas Workshop - Future Friendly";
"Interactive teaching and modern pedagogy" - 2010-2020 - annual TC for teachers and educators about working with children and alternative education;
"Ruckenwind on the field" - 2011 – Youth in Action TC for youth workers - social integration of disadvantaged youth, BG11-A4.3-065-R1;
"Personal development and realization, by improving social and communication skills" - 2012-2013 - training for young people in rural areas;
"Youth Leadership Academy of National Youth Forum" - 2012 - training for youth leaders;
"Environment, Sustainability and Youth" - 2013, Bulgaria - Youth in Action TC about development of rural areas and sustainability, BG13-A3.1.2-270-R2;
"Discover, Dream and Do II" - 2015, Bulgaria – Erasmus + TC for development of competencies increasing adaptability for labour market, 2014-1-BG01-KA105-000183;
"Training of Trainers" - 2016, Bulgaria - Erasmus + TC for trainers active in Youth field - 2014-1-BG01-KA205-001743;
"Training of Youth workers" - 2016, Romania - Erasmus + TC for Youth workers for using NFL and interactive methods;

Project Coordinated:
"Ruckenwind for our future 1" - 2011 - Short Term EVS - European program "Youth in Action" - BG11-A2-220-R2;
"Ruckenwind for our future 2" - 2012 - Short Term EVS - European program "Youth in Action" - BG12-A2-193-R2;
"Different but equal or Once upon a time ..." - teaching children's rights - WCIF;
"Face to success" - working with minorities and immigrants. LLLP - Grundtvig - 2012-1-HU1-GRU06-07048 4;

Developed manuals:
"Work and play" - manual for educators for interactive teaching and modern pedagogy;
"Handbook for Trainers - teaching children's rights and cultural understanding through Art";
"Empowerment Guide" - manual with interactive tools for development of competencies for increasing adaptability on labor market;
"Training of Trainers" - manual for using NFL and interactive methods in youth work;
"Training of Youth workers" - manual for using NFL and interactive methods in youth work;
EMPLOYER: Freelance trainer and educator

Training conducted:
"Can Ya Makan: Human Rights I and II" - 2012, Spain and Jordan - EUROMED TC - teaching children's rights through arts, ES-31-76-2011-R5;
"Out of the box - promoting social entrepreneurship against youth unemployment" - 03.2013, Spain - Youth in Action TC, ES-31-E67-2012-R3;
"Let's get out - outdoor and Inclusion" - 2013, Latvia – SALTO TCP for using outdoor activities as a tool for social inclusion;
"Discover, Dream and Do" - 2013, Romania - Youth in Action TC for development of competencies increasing adaptability for labour market, RO-4.3-A063-2013-R2;
"Volunteering worth spreading" - 2014, Cyprus - Youth in Action TC promoting volunteering;
"Passion in Action" - 2014, Romania – Erasmus + TC for personal development and self-improvement;
"Rural youth entrepreneurship" - 2014, Bulgaria - Erasmus + TC about rural development and entrepreneurship, KA105-001428;
“Creating tomorrow’s leaders” – 2015, Bulgaria – Erasmus + TC for development of leadership skills;
"Together we are Balance" - 2015, Jordan – Erasmus + TC for healthy lifestyle;
"Environment & Youth" - 2015, Jordan - Erasmus + TC for sustainability and entrepreneurship;
"Unlock your learning potential through Coaching" - 2016, Bulgaria - Erasmus + TC about using coaching as a tool in Youth work;
"Social entrepreneurship training I and II" – 2017 - 2018, Bulgaria - Erasmus + TCs for developing entrepreneurial skills;
"Build bridges for volunteering" - 2017, Tunisia - Erasmus + TC about international volunteering;
“Critical thinking skills” – 2019, Bulgaria – Erasmus + TC developing of critical thinking;
“IMPACT: unlock passions, actions and talents of youth in need” – 2019, Italy – Erasmus + TC for social inclusion of disadvantaged youth;
“Youth workers for peaceful conflict transformation” – 2019, Bulgaria – Erasmus + TC;

Developed manuals:
"Handbook for Trainers - teaching children's rights and cultural understanding through Art";
"Environment, Sustainability and Youth - entrepreneurship and development in rural areas";
"Empowerment Guide" - increasing adaptability on labour market;

Available downloads:

Educational pathway

Formal education:
Master degree in Veterinary medicine (2000)
University of Forestry - Faculty "Veterinary medicine", Sofia (Bulgaria);

Non-formal education training and qualification certificates:
1. "Methods for facilitation" - 10.2007 - certification training for trainers - by Develor Bulgaria;
2. "Trainer’s skills" - 01.2008 - certification training for trainers – by Develor International:
3. "Communication Skills" - 09.2008 - certification training for trainers – by Develor International;
4. "Presentation Skills" - 05.2009 - certification training for trainers – by Develor International;
5. "Sales skills" - 05.2010 - certification training for trainers - by Develor International;
6. "Consultative sales and actively cross-selling" - 03.2008 - certification training for trainers - by Develor Bulgaria;
7. "Analysis and development of organizational structure network - network building" - 03.2008 - certification training -
by Develor Bulgaria and College of Management;
8. "How to set group exercise" - 04.2008 - certification training for trainers - by Develor Bulgaria;
9. "Effective team leader" - 03.2009 - certification training for trainers - by Develor Bulgaria;
10. "Training of Trainers for EVS (European Voluntary Service)" - 03.2010 - training for trainers - by SALTO Youth;
11. "Risk awareness training for trainers" - 06.2010 - training for trainers – by National Agency "Youth in Action";
12. "Ruckenwind Quality toolbox" - 10.2010 - training for experts and youthworkers for social integration of
disadvantaged youth – by SALTO Youth”;
13. "Training for suggestopediа teaching" - 12.2010 - certification training for teachers - by Dr. Georgi Lozanov;
14. "Youth for youth entrepreneurship" - 01.2011 - training for youth workers - by “Youth in Action”;
15. "TOTEM SALTO EuroMed II" - 2011-2012 - long-term training course for trainers in Euro-Mediterranean youth
cooperation – by SALTO EuroMed;
16. "DEOR" - 02.2012 - training for youth workers and project coordinators - by National Agency "Youth in Action";
17. "Professional presentations – preparation and delivery" - 03.2012 - certification training for trainers - by Develor
18. "Religion as cross-cutting issue in youthwork within EuroMed" - 09.2012 - training for youth workers – by Euromed
Youth IV Programme;
19. "ToT Hitchhiker's guide to become a trainer in youth in action" - 02.2013 - training for trainers - by National Agency
"Youth in Action";
20. “TOT for The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award” 0 01.2015 – by DEA International

Ongoing training programs:
1. Wild Mind Training programe - certification training for nature-based human development, by Animas valley Institute

Fields of training expertise

  • (expert) Animation
  • (intermediate) Bullying & Harassment
  • (intermediate) Campaigning & Awareness Raising
  • (expert) Change Management
  • (intermediate) Citizenship Education
  • (expert) Coaching & Mentoring
  • (expert) Communication Skills
  • (expert) Conflict Management & Mediation
  • (advanced) Creativity & Art
  • (advanced) Crisis Management
  • (advanced) Diversity & Anti-Racism
  • (beginner) Drama & Theatre
  • (advanced) Education through Sports
  • (expert) Environment & Ecology
  • (expert) Entrepreneurship (Social)
  • (expert) Equal Opportunities
  • (expert) Evaluation & Assessment
  • (advanced) Event Management
  • (intermediate) Financial Management
  • (beginner) Fundraising
  • (intermediate) Gender Awareness & Mainstreaming
  • (expert) Global Education
  • (expert) Group Dynamics & Motivation
  • (expert) Health & Prevention
  • (expert) Human Rights
  • (expert) Intercultural Learning
  • (expert) International Youth Work
  • (expert) Labour Rights & Employment
  • (expert) Leadership Development
  • (advanced) Lobbying & Advocacy
  • (advanced) New Information Technologies
  • (intermediate) Open Space Technology
  • (expert) Organizational Management
  • (expert) Outdoor & Experiential Training
  • (expert) Peace Education
  • (expert) People Management & Cooperation
  • (expert) Personal Development & Empowerment
  • (expert) Project Management
  • (beginner) Public Relations & Marketing
  • (expert) Public Speaking
  • (expert) Recognition of NFLearning
  • (expert) Social Inclusion & Exclusion
  • (intermediate) Social Media
  • (expert) Storytelling & Humour
  • (expert) Time Management
  • (expert) Training of Trainers
  • (expert) Valorisation of Projects (DEOR)
  • (expert) Volunteer Programmes
  • (expert) Youth Exchanges
  • (intermediate) Youth Information Work
  • (advanced) Youth Participation & Initiatives
  • (advanced) Youth Policy
  • (advanced) Youth Violence & Criminality
  • (expert) Youth Worker Training

Knowledge about institutions and programmes

  • (expert) Erasmus+ (KA1) Youth Exchanges
  • (expert) Erasmus+ (KA1) Training & Networking
  • (expert) Erasmus+ (KA2) Transnational Youth Initiatives
  • (expert) Erasmus+ (KA2) Strategic Partnerships
  • (expert) Erasmus+ (KA2) Capacity Building (other countries in the World)
  • (advanced) Erasmus+ (KA3) Youth Policy Meetings
  • (expert) European Solidarity Corps Volunteering
  • (advanced) Erasmus+ (lifelong learning, non-youth)
  • (advanced) European Youth Centres (CoE)
  • (advanced) European Youth Foundation (CoE)
  • (intermediate) Solidarity Fund for Youth Mobility (CoE)
  • (advanced) European Institutions
  • (advanced) Youth Partnership CoE-COM
  • (intermediate) International Youth Structures
  • (advanced) Private Foundations
  • (advanced) United Nations

Working with specific target groups

  • (expert) Children
  • (advanced) Families
  • (beginner) Gay, Lesbian, Bi & Transgender work
  • (expert) Intercultural Teams
  • (expert) Marginalized & Excluded Youth
  • (advanced) Men's Issues & Groups
  • (advanced) Minorities
  • (intermediate) Religious Youth Groups
  • (beginner) Women's Issues & Groups
  • (advanced) Young People in/from Conflict Areas
  • (advanced) Young People with a Mental Disability
  • (expert) Young People with a Physical Disability
  • (advanced) Young People with a Sensory Disability

Experience with specific geographical regions

  • (intermediate) Eastern Europe and Caucasus
  • (expert) Euro-Mediterranean Co-operation
  • (expert) European Cooperation
  • (intermediate) Global Cooperation
  • (expert) South East Europe

Other skills

Certified instructor for Rock climbing nad Slacklining (rope walking). Seven years experience in video capture and vodeo editing. Twenty years experience in photography (national awards). )

Language Skills

  • (fluent) English
  • (fluent) Russian

Trainer references

Tools contributed by the trainer

Find more training tools in the SALTO Toolbox for training.

This profile was last modified on 2021-03-13

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