TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
In non-formal education actively from 2014.
I love to do daring activities, get out of the comfort zone, go deep, use our bodies and nature as a very wise teachers and tools. I work with for Czech NA.
I focus mainly on stress and its management, mental health topics, emotional intelligence and communication from every side and angle (para-/non-/verbal) and self-developmental topics connected to our behavioural patterns.
I love dogs, hiking, contact improvisation, new cultures and travelling.
Filip Kňažek has 3 references for past work as a trainer.
trainer, facilitator, developmental guide
•2022 - present - Trainer in Pool of trainers - Czech National Agency Dům zahraniční spolupráce
- facilitating TECs for ESC volunteers; different events for organisations in ESC and different TCAs connected to Erasmus+
•2016 - present - Trainer, facilitator, lecturer and self-development guide
- various E+ training courses (10+) on the topics of behavioral patterns, Stress management, Mindfulness, Mental health, Behavioural patterns, Authenticity , Emotional inteligence using psychological, nature-based and embodiment techniques
- Staff training weeks (10+) on the topics of Stress management & Mindfulness; Effective Communication; Mentoring, Leadership & Coaching;
Presentation Skills
- workshops and coaching walks in nature for the public
• 2019 -present - Lecturer and trainer at Masaryk University - Faculty of Philosophy and Faculty of Pharmacy April
-Organisation and facilitation of group international and local soft-skills trainings, workshops and seminars (short/long-term) for students and local/international university employees (staff training weeks)
-Guarantee of 2 soft-skills subjects for students - Basics of effective communication; Stress management and Mindfulness
•Marker Czechoslovakia - 7 month training program for facilitators and youth workers on non-formal education improvement Jun 2021 to Jan 2022
•Development of pedagogical competencies
Pedagogical - 1 year course from competence development centre, Masaryk University, Brno - Jan 2021 to Jan 2022
•Foundation 1 year long training in process-oriented psychotherapy, IPOP institute, Prague - June 2021 - June 2022
•8-week long Mindfulness courses (3x) Mindfulness Based Stress reduction Apr 2018 – Nov 2020
• Practicing coaching and mentoring, The Netherlands, week in January 2019
• Training new trainers, EPSA? Brno, Czech Republic > week on non-formal education methodologies to become a trainer July 2016
• Various training courses/ youth exchanges/ staff weeks on the topics of Non-formal learning and education, facilitation, leadership, emotional intelligence, non-violent and effective communication, coaching, self-development, authenticity,
embodiment, outdoor learning, arts,
dance, mindfulness, voice, LGBT+ rights, vulnerability Feb 2016 – present time
This profile was last modified on 2024-02-03