TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
I'm a "Life Traveller". Crete is my "Ithaca", Cyprus is my "Ogygia", and the whole world my sea...
Join me in this wonderful Journey that Youth Training is and let us LIVE our life...
Michail DRAKOMATHIOULAKIS has 12 references for past work as a trainer.
Freelance Youth Trainer
(01) Youth Guarantee: Workshop for Youth Workers, Nicosia, Cyprus, 29/11/2017, Youth Board of Cyprus & Cyprus Youth Council.
(02) EVS On Arrival Training, Nicosia, Cyprus, 22-25/11/2017, Cyprus NA.
(03) EVS On Arrival Training, Nicosia, Cyprus, 09-13/11/2017, Cyprus NA.
(04) 2nd Youth Leadership Summer School, Kakopetria, Cyprus, 28/06-02/07/2017, Youth Board of Cyprus (Facilitator).
(05) EVS On Arrival Training, Nicosia, Cyprus, 28/05-01/06/2017, Cyprus NA.
(06) EVS On Arrival Training, Nicosia, Cyprus, 12-16/03/2017, Cyprus NA.
(07) EVS Mid-term Evaluation, Nicosia, Cyprus, 16-18/12/2016, Cyprus NA.
(08) "Recognition of YOUTH WORKer": Cyprus Youth Council (CYC) Winter School, Larnaca, Cyprus, 09-11/12/2016, CYC.
(09) EVS Annual Event (Final Evaluation), Nicosia, Cyprus, 17/09/2016, Cyprus NA.
(10) EVS On Arrival Training, Nicosia, Cyprus, 16-18/09/2016, Cyprus NA.
(11) "YouthUp!" (Alternative forms for political participation) CYC Summer School, Limassol, Cyprus, 24-26/06/2016, CYC, in co-operation with the YFJ PoT.
(12) EVS Mid-term Evaluation, Nicosia, Cyprus, 11-12/06/2016, Cyprus NA.
(13) EVS On Arrival Training, Nicosia, Cyprus, 28/05-01/06/2016, Cyprus NA.
(14) EVS Mid-term Evaluation, Nicosia, Cyprus, 02-05/02/2016, Cyprus NA.
(15) EVS On Arrival Training, Larnaca, Cyprus, 30/11-04/12/2015, Cyprus NA.
(16) EVS Mid-term Evaluation, Nicosia, Cyprus, 13-16/09/2015, Cyprus NA.
(17) EVS Mid-term Evaluation, Nicosia, Cyprus, 01-02/08/2015, Cyprus NA.
(18) EVS Mid-term Evaluation, Nicosia, Cyprus, 06-09/06/2015, Cyprus NA.
(19) EVS On Arrival Training, Larnaca, Cyprus, 02-06/05/2015, Cyprus NA.
(20) EVS On Arrival Training, Nicosia, Cyprus, 04-08/02/2015, Cyprus NA.
(21) EVS Mid-term Evaluation, Athens, Hellas, 21-25/06/2014, Hellenic NA.
(22) EVS On Arrival Training, Nicosia, Cyprus, 28-30/06/2014, Cyprus NA.
(23) EVS Mid-term Evaluation, Athens, Hellas, 02-06/12/2013, Hellenic NA.
(24) "Acquisition of Skills through EVS" (An interactive workshop for potential EVS Volunteers), Nicosia, Cyprus, 17/09/2013, Cyprus NA.
(25) EVS Mid-term Evaluation, Nicosia, Cyprus, 13-16/07/2013, Cyprus NA.
(26) EVS On Arrival Training, Athens, Hellas, 08-13/07/2013, Hellenic NA.
(27) EVS Mid-term Evaluation, Athens, Hellas, 07-11/04/2013, Hellenic NA.
(28) EVS Mid-term Evaluation, Athens, Hellas, 08-12/10/2012, Hellenic NA.
(29) EVS On Arrival Training, Larnaca, Cyprus, 02-06/10/2012, Cyprus NA.
(30) EVS Mid-term Evaluation, Athens, Hellas, 24-28/02/2012, Hellenic NA.
(31) EVS On Arrival Training, Athens, Hellas, 13-18/02/2012, Hellenic NA.
(32) EVS On Arrival Training, Athens, Hellas, 08-13/12/2011, Hellenic NA.
(33) EVS Mid-term Evaluation, Athens, Hellas, 17-21/10/2011, Hellenic NA.
(34) EVS On Arrival Training, Athens, Hellas, 12-17/09/2011, Hellenic NA.
(35) EVS Mentors' Training, Athens, Hellas, 26-30/06/2011, Hellenic NA.
(36) EVS On Arrival Training, Athens, Hellas, 19-24/07/2010, Hellenic NA.
(37) EVS On Arrival Training, Glyfada, Athens, Hellas, 14-19/12/2009, Hellenic NA.
(38) "Scouting: A World-wide Educational Youth Movement" (A seminar in the framework of the 22nd Ship for the World Youth Program), On Board M/S Fuji Maru, 02/02/2010, Hellenic National Delegation, 22nd Ship for the World Youth Program.
(39) 2nd Basic Training Course for the Scout Network, Corfu, Hellas, 18-20/12/2009, The Scouts of Greece Training Department.
(40) EVS On Arrival Training, Glyfada, Athens, Hellas, 14-19/12/2009, Hellenic NA.
(41) EVS On Arrival Training, Kastri, Athens, Hellas, 11-15/10/2009, Hellenic NA.
(42) EVS Mid-term Evaluation, Kastri, Athens, Hellas, 11-15/09/2009, Hellenic NA.
(43) EVS On Arrival Training, Kastri, Athens, Hellas, 25-30/05/2009, Hellenic NA.
(44) "European Programmes for Youth" (A workshop in the framework of the 1st Basic Training Course for the Scout Network), Agios Andreas, Athens, Hellas, 06-08/02/2009, The Scouts of Greece Training Department.
(45) EVS Mid-term Evaluation, Kastri, Athens, Hellas, 04-08/11/2008, Hellenic NA.
(46) EVS On Arrival Training, Athens, Hellas, 28/07-02/08/2008, Hellenic NA.
(47) EVS Mid-term Evaluation, Island of Poros, Hellas, 18-22/06/2008, Hellenic NA.
(48) EVS On Arrival Training, Athens, Hellas, 18-23/03/2008, Hellenic NA.
(49) 60th Basic Training Course for Scout Leaders, Rethymnon, Crete, Hellas, 11-13 & 18-20/01/2008, The Scouts of Greece Training Department.
(50) EVS Pre-Departure Training, Athens, Hellas, 24-26/11/2007, Hellenic NA.
(The above is a list of training courses and seminars delivered during the last ten -10- years; a detailed list starting on 2001 is available upon requesting).
Formal Education:
2013 (September)-2016 (June): MSc on Health Policy & Planning, Faculty of Management & Economics, Open University of Cyprus.
MSc Thesis: Collective and individual internet behaviour of patients with chronic diseases in the era of the financial crisis: Profile and discourse analysis in Facebook. Supervisor: Maria Zafiropoulou, PhD.
2004 (September)-2005(March): Socrates II/ Erasmus Student, Albacete University School of Nursing, University of Castilla-La Mancha, España.
2000 (October)-2007 (October): BSc in Nursing, Department of Nursing, School of Health & Welfare Professions, Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Hellas (Greece).
BSc Thesis: New Technologies and Nursing Education in Greece: The Usage of Informatics in the Hellenic Academic Nursing Education. Supervisor: Emmanuel Yachnakis, PhD.
Formal Education (Online) Courses:
2015 (December)-today: Improving Leadership & Governance of Nonprofit Organizations Specialization (3 online courses and 1 capstone project). The State University of New York, USA, via Coursera.
2015 (February-December): Challenges on Global Affairs Specialization (3 online courses and 1 capstone project). Leiden University, The Netherlands & University of Geneva, Switzerland, via Coursera.
2015 (February-May): An Introduction to the Politics of Citizenship (online course). University of Nicosia, Cyprus.
2014 (December): International Organizations Management (online course). University of Geneva, Switzerland, via Coursera. Statement of Accomplishment with Distinction.
Non-Formal Education:
2017 (December): Study Visit of the Hellenic Youth Workers Association to Bavaria, Germany, in co-operation with the Bavarian Youth Council.
2017 (October & November): "Simply Meeting: From Bubble to Doable" Seminar. "Simply Meeting" International Community of Youth Trainers. Weimar, Germany.
2017 (October): 66th Scouts Wood-Badge Training. The Scouts of Greece, St. Andrew's Scout Centre, Athens, Greece.
2016 (November & December): "Bridges for Trainers" 2016 Conference. SALTO-TC & Austrian NA. Vienna, Austria.
2016 (July): Quality Assurance in NFE. Cyprus Youth Council & YFJ PoT. Nicosia, Cyprus.
2016 (April): ETS Competence Model for Youth Workers to Work Internationally Experts' Seminar. SALTO-TC & Austrian NA. Vienna, Austria.
2014 (December): "Bridges for Trainers" 2014 Conference. SALTO-TC & German NA. Bonn, Germany.
2014 (April): EVS Trainers' Meeting. Swiss NA. Delémont, Canton of Jura, Switzerland.
2013 (December): Workshop of Training of Trainers for the Nicosia General Hospital. Cyprus Academy of Public Administration. Nicosia, Cyprus.
2013 (November): 1st Word Scout Education Congress. World Organization of the Scout Movement & The Scout Association of Hong-Kong. Hong-Kong, Hong-Kong S.A.R., China.
2011 (March): Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Settings e-Learning Course. United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) & Save the Children. Online.
2010 (July): 16th Asia-Europe Foundation University. Asia-Europe Foundation & The Medical University of Łódź. Łódź, Polska.
2010 (January-March): 22nd Ship for the World Youth. Cabinet Office, Government of Japan & United Nations University. Nippon (Japan), Singapore, Dubai/United Arab Emirates, India & On Board M/S Fuji Maru.
2009 (November): Scout of the World Programme: 1st Discovery Base in Hellas. Theme: Migration. World Organization of the Scout Movement & The Scouts of Greece. Agios Andreas, Athens, Hellas.
2009 (July): EuroMed Bloggers Training on Intercultural Dialogue. Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures. Luxembourg.
2009 (May): European Citizenship Training Course. SALTO TC & YiA NA Network. Predeal, Romania.
2008 (November): Scientific Conference «The Role of Formal Education, Non-Formal and Informal Learning in the formation of the personality of children and adolescents. The new data on age characteristics». The Scouts of Greece & Hellenic Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs & Hellenic General Secretariat for Youth & Hellenic Open University. Athens, Hellas.
2007 (January-June): EVS Volunteer. Polish Assosiation for People with Mental Disabilities. Koszalin, Poland.
2006 (October): LES is MORE: 1st National Greek Training of Trainers and Multipliers for the CoE Human Rights Education Youth Programme. Mount Olympus, Hellas.
2006 (April): Training of EVS Mentors. Hellenic NA. Glyfada, Athens, Hellas.
2005 (November)-2006 (September): SALTO Training of Trainers for European YOUTH Projects. 1st Seminar: Turunç, Marmaris, Türkiye. 2nd Seminar: Hanenbos, Belgium. 3rd Seminar: Pentedattilo, Regio di Calabria, Italia.
2005 (July): CoE Italian Language & Culture Course for Youth Workers. Levico Terme, Trentino, Italia.
2004 (July): 5th YFJ Information & Networking Day on the Open Method of Co-ordination. Brussels, Belgium.
2003 (June): European Youth Event: The Open Method of Co-ordination: Participation and Information. Rethymnon, Crete, Hellas.
2002 (September): 5th International Youth Gathering for Cultural Exchange. World Organization of the Scout Movement-Arab Region & UNESCO. South Sinai, Egypt.
2002 (July): 36th World Scout Conference. World Organization of the Scout Movement & The Scouts of Greece. Thessaloniki, Hellas. Member of the Host Committee.
1993 (March)-today: Member, World Scout Movement.
Japanese (beginner)
This profile was last modified on 2018-01-11