TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
Life is a change, it's only you, who can make it happen the way you like.
Personal development and growing is a key to go through life and be happy.
Igor Lisin has 8 references for past work as a trainer and added 3 tools to the SALTO Toolbox.
trainer, project manager, outdoor educating facilitator
I've been acting and working in NGO field since 2004 and in field of business and corporate training&education since 2015. Starting with volunteering and slowly step by step developing and learning.
Since 10 years I'm leading workshops and trainings.
Worked for several organization in Poland and other country:
- IMPEL SA (Poland)
- NobleProg (worldwide)
- InQuest (Poland)
- Fundacja Rozwoju Wolontariatu (Poland)
- Polska Fundacja im. Roberta Schumana (Poland)
- Fundacja Sempre a Frente (Poland)
- Wyższa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości i Administracji w Lublinie (Poland)
- Fundacja Działań Edukacyjnych KReAdukacja (Poland)
- Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski (Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Koło Naukowe Psychologii, Uczelniany Samorząd Studentów) (Poland)
- Kuratorium Oświaty w Bydgoszczy (Poland)
- Powiatowy Urząd Pracy w Lublinie (Poland
- Europejski Dom Spotkań Fundacja Nowy Staw (Poland)
- Fundacja Kultury Duchowej Pograniczna (Poland)
- Fundacja Instytut Aktywizacji i Rozwoju Społecznego (Poland)
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Georgia)
- Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs (Georgia)
- German Embassy in Sarajevo and Youth Development Institute KULT (Bosnia)
- CEIPES (Italy)
- Outward Bound Romania
- Outward Bound Germany
- Foundation Ukraine (Poland)
- Human Bridge (Belarus)
- Centre of European Initiatives (Ukraine)
- Ukrainian Academy of Youth (Ukraine)
07.2018; 07.2019
Trainer for Outward Bound Germany and Rotary Clubs course: Rotary Summer camps; intercultural learning though outdoor education
10.2018 - 05.2020
Delivering trainings for public institution and social services about intercultural learning and communication, servicing of foreigners clients, anti-discrimination.
Lower Silesia Region (Poland)
Trainer - outdoor training course for educators and leaders "On the move". CEIPES, Italy
10-11.2017, 05-06.2018
trainer with company InQuest, Poland
team building and outdoor for "3M"
outdoor training for team development "DPI"
05.2017 - 11.2019
corporate trainings with worldwide company NobleProg - local training provider, Poland
managers trainins, communication, intercultural learning and diversity, branding awareness.
02/2017 - current
international trainer - course "Experiential Education for social inclusion", "Low rope course instructor", fundraiser.
Pracownia Nauki i Przygody, Poland
03/2016 - 08/2017
trainer within Outdoor Academy program:
3 international outdoor training courses, 2 youth programs
Foundation Institute of Animation and Social Development, Poland
1/2017 - 08/2017
Strategic consulting - IMPEL SA GROUP, Poland
05/2016 - current
Project manager, vice-president - Foundation Ukraine, Wrocław, Poland
06/2016 - current
Training company "Outdoor Academy", owner, trainer
1/2015 - 1/2016
Corporate Social Responsibility department - board assistant at Modern Expo Group, Poland/Germany/Ukraine
9/2014 - 03/2019
Board member at Foundation of Animation and Social Development
Outdoor Academy program manager.
2/2014 – 7/2014
Program director of Erasmus +
Writing project, managing coordinators, coordination project, general control over program and financial issues.
Sempre a Frente Foundation
9/2013 – 1/2014
Trainer within project „Meeting with European Parliament”
Leading simulation at schools about the European Parliament
Polska Fundacja im. Roberta Schumana
1/09/2012 – 30/06/2014
Coordinator of regional consulting and training center of European Commission Program “Erasmus+” and “Youth in Action”
Foundation recruitment of training participants, project management.
2010 – 2014
Trainer: “Mind outside the box”, “TOOL for youth work for beginners”, “Be active - participate”
Preparing and conduction trainings based on outdoor methods including various of topics, such as communication, team building, project managament, group work, leadership, coaching
Foundation Sempre a Frente
1/05/2011 – 11/2013
Regional Coordinator of Program „PROJEKTOR – wolontariat studencki”
Managing projects and coordination volunteers activities within program of Polish-American Freedom Foundation. Conducting training for volunteers (over 60 hours including topics: outdoor education, communication, team managemant, group work, pedagogy.
Fondation of Voluntary Development
25/05/2012 – 07/07/2012
Preparing and conducting trainings in English about communication, leadership, team building for students and pupils of Georgia. Cooperation with international team of trainers. 250 hours of trainings.
Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs of Gerogia
Business trainers school - SET Academy
Low Rope Course Instructor (ERCA certification)
Certificate: Advance training for outdoor trainers
Outward Bound Romania
07/2013 – 05/2014
Certificate: Professional manager NGO
Principal subjects / occupational skills covered
NGO management: evaluation, marketing, law, human resources, strategic planning, finance, fundraising
Academy of Civiv Organizations
10/2006 - 09/2012
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (university)
Topics adressed: Group Dynamics, Personal Development, Conflict Management, Environment
Topics adressed: Group Dynamics, Project Management, Personal Development, Youth Participation, Environment
Topics adressed: Group Dynamics, Personal Development, Peer education, Evaluation, Environment
Find more training tools in the SALTO Toolbox for training.
This profile was last modified on 2020-09-24