TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Igor Lisin
- to learn methods of experiential learning, based on outdoor educations
- to improve leadership skills
- to learn more about group development and group dynamic
- to improve communications skills
- to encourage to use outdoor methods in youth work
- to support young people that want to act active role in their local community
- to enhance personal and social development
- to develop a deeper relationship with nature.
This Training Course is directed to all those who work with youth and want improve their leadership skills, get to know methods
of outdoor activities in field as group dynamic, teambuilding, self-confidence. Training Course is based on outdoor methodology
which is treated as a tool in work with youngsters. The training course aims at learning methods of experiential learning which
is based on outdoor educations. Outdoor education in this TC involves group dynamic development, improving leadership skills
and communications skills, coaching process. The programme is constructed the way to encourage its participants to use
outdoor methods in youth work in order to enable them to support young people to act actively in their local community. Youth
workers by developing their work will be able to enhance personal and social development of young people with whom their
work. This will result on improving quality of Youth in Action projects.
During the activity participants will take part in various workshops concerning leadership skills, communication skill,
teambuilding and group developing skills. There will be also a session when particiants will learn how to run the project that involves young people with
fewer opportunities and also how to include those exluded into youth activity.
Project brings together 25
young people and youth workers from 10 countries: Italy, Latvia, Slovakia, Lithuania, Germany, Romania, Spain, Hungary, Austria and Poland.
Innovative work methods such as outdoor education and experiencing learning
will be used.
Collection of outdoor methods and useful tools for youth work.
Non-formal learning in connection with outdoor education
Cooperative workshops
Trust in the group
Outdoor methods: low rope, river crossing, orientation mission, etc.
Coaching session
group dynamic, teambuilding, selfconfidence